All posts tagged literature searching


Library Information Skills Training for new students

A warm welcome to all our new students – we look forward to supporting in your studies this year!

There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during orientation week.  When you have had a chance to catch your breath, please come along to the Library any…

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Major updates and new features on Embase

Ovid have announced a number of major updates and new features for the Embase database. These will go live on 19 September 2016.

The most important updates are:

The thesaurus/Emtree display will change to include full History Notes and other information provided by Elsevier.
16 new fields will be…

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2014 update to Expert Searches in Ovid Medline

Those of you who save searches in Ovid Medline may have noticed that there are lots of searches already saved. These are added as ‘Expert Searches’ and are available to everyone who logs in via a School username and password. The Expert Searches give you a quick way to search…

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2014 changes to Embase index terms

Each year, Medline and Embase update their indexing terms. The Embase update is due to take place next week. If you use indexing terms in your saved searches (often also called subject headings or MeSH terms), you may have to update your searches.

The main change for 2014 is the…

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How do I search Medline before 1946?

I was recently asked this question by a student who was rather surprised by my answer. I took the student up to the Library’s Wellcome Gallery where we looked at print copies of Index Medicus, going back to volume one, printed in 1879.

Index Medicus was published every month…

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Starting to think about your Summer Project?

If you’re a London based MSc student, you’ve hopefully already got some ideas about possible Summer Project topics. Whether you’re in the initial planning stages or starting to develop your project proposal and completing your CARE form you will probably find that you need to do a…

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