2017 Updates to MeSH released

The 2017 update to the Medline thesaurus (MeSH) has been released. This adds new terminology, edits obsolete terminology and reorganises subject trees to keep the thesaurus current. References added to Medline from now on will be indexed using the updated terminology. Please note that changes are not retrospectively applied.

New MeSH terms which may be of interest

Anti-vaccination movement: group activities directed against vaccination
Bathroom equipment: receptacles used for collection of human excrement
Blood culture: test to determine the presence of blood infection
Call centers: a facility set up for the purpose of handling large volumes of telephone calls.
Fitness trackers: Devices used for measuring physical activity as an indication of health status
Global burden of disease: measure of the burden of disease using the DALY.
Healthy diet: dietary patterns which have been found to be important in reducing disease risk
Healthy lifestyle: a pattern of behaviour involving life style choices which ensure optimum health.
Immunogenicity, vaccine: the capacity of vaccines to stimulate the adaptive immune response to produce antibodies and antigen-specific t-cell responses.
Informal sector: a component of the private sector characterised by ease of entry; reliance on indigenous resources; family ownership; small scale operations; skills acquired outside the formal sector; and unregulated markets.
Intersectoral collaboaration: cooperative actions and ventures among health and health-related groups and organisations intended to improve health outcomes.
Maternal inheritance: transmission of genetic characters, qualities and traits, solely from maternal extra-nuclear elements.
Medicare access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015: An Act that amends Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to repeal the Medicare sustainable growth rate, that strengthens Medicare access by improving physician payments, and that reauthorizes the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Mentoring: the art and practice of training, guidance, counseling, and proving support to a less experienced, trained, or knowledgeable person.
Metadata: structured data elements used to describe other data
Minimal clinically important difference: a statistically significant minimum set of clinical outcomes that demonstrates a clinical benefit or an intervention or treatment.
Mosquito vectors: mosquitoes that transmit pathogens or ther intermediate forms from one host to another.
Multiple chronic conditions: two or more concurrent chronic physical, mental or behavioural health problems in an individual.
Paternal inheritance: a form of inheritance where the traits of the offspring are paternal in origin due to the expression of extra-nuclear genetic material.
Patient portals: a secure online website that provides patients convenient 24-hour access to personal health information via an Internet connection.
Patient reported outcome measures: assessment of the quality and effectiveness of health care as measured and directly reported by the patient
Professional practice gaps: difference between observed and ideal delivery of health care and healthcare outcomes what reflect the current state of knowledge.
Public health systems research: a field of study that examines the organisation, financing, and delivery of public health services within communities, and the impact of these services of public health.
Sexual minorities: individuals including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, gender non-conforming people, and other populations whose sexual orientation or gender identity and reproductive development is considered outside cultural, societal, or physiological norms.
Social segregation: barriers based on group membership
Strategic planning: a rigorous and systematic process which entails defining plans, decisions and sequence of steps to be taken in the future.
Sustained virologic response: the continuous, long-term suppression of viral load, generally to undetectable levels, as the result of treatment with antiviral agents.
Vaccination refusal: refusal to receive vaccination
Vaping: the act of inhaling and exhaling vapors produced from electronic cigarettes
Work-life balance: the optimal arrangement of an individual’s on-the-job and private time to facilitate health and personal satisfaction without negatively impacting productivity and professional success.

The following MeSH trees have also been updated and expanded:

The Bifidobacterium tree has been expanded with a number of specific species named.
The cytochrome P450 family has been expanded to include specific enzyme families.
The list of health personnel has been greatly expanded to include, for example, epidemiologists,
The lactobacillus tree has been expended to include specific species.
The streptococcus tree has been expanded to include specific species

More detail on the MeSH changes for 2017 can be found on the NLM website.