The School’s research has impact in 189 countries, and we can prove it!

Did you know School authors have collaborated with authors in Liechtenstein? Or Greenland? Or North Korea? Or that the top three European countries which cite our work are the UK, Switzerland and The Netherlands?

Close up of the LSHTM Collaborations mapNow you can explore which other countries the School has collaborated with or been cited by on our updated maps.

To use the maps, zoom in and out using the slider on the top right of the screen. Hover over a country to see how many papers or citations we have with that country, listed on the key. The data is also visible at the bottom of the page and can be sorted by clicking the column headers.

The data comes from InCites, a bibliometrics database from Clarivate Analytics. It uses information from the Web of Science database to produce a number of metrics derived from citation, journal and author address information. The data used in the maps covers 1980 to January 2017. Maps have been produced using TargetMap free software.