Open access roundup – November 2017

Each month, the Research Publications Team will aim to provide a roundup of open access and scholarly communications news. In addition, we’ll highlight any tips, tricks and tools we’ve come across that help to make disseminating, finding and using open access content easier. Here’s our roundup for October 2017!



Following on from the drama around ResearchGate, this month sees the launch of ScholarlyHub, a member-run and owned non-profit platform that aims to become “a portal for sharing and improving scholarly communications among scholars and between scholars and the public at large.” Its tagline is “for scholars, not profit”, which says it all really.


Intellectual Property and a career in academia

Dr Elizabeth Gadd, from the Research Office of Loughborough University, explores the impact of university open access policies on academics and their freedom. She mulls over the rules and requirements imposed by universities, and the responses from academics. SPOILER ALERT: she recommends that universities “properly engage with academic staff on IP and OA policy issues and let them decide”.


The quality of papers, and whether bibliometrics and altmetrics are a good measure of this

A study which tests the relationship between a paper’s quality (measured by peer assessments) and its bibliometric and altmetric scores. Their results suggest that citation-based metrics and readership counts are related to article quality, whereas tweets and Altmetric Attention Scores are less so. Could these findings affect the ways in which we interpret bibliometric and altmetric scores?


REF – loads of news

So, HEFCE have just let us know their finalised requirements for REF 2021. It. Has. Happened. Articles must be deposited in a repository such as Research Online within 3 months of acceptance.

There’s other news too. Check out our blog post for more.


And last but not least, OpenConCam happened

Some of our team went to this. Here are the highlights as recommended by them:

Eliot Higgins (whose colleague got impersonated by Russian hackers last week):

Danny Kingsley:

And more videos from the day.


This month’s round-up is by Alice Fodor