Clinic on Meaningful Modeling of Epidemiological Data

Clinic on Meaningful Modeling of Epidemiological Data
May 28 – June 8, 2018
African Institute of Mathematical Sciences, South Africa

Request for Applications

The International Clinics on Infectious Disease Dynamics and Data (ICI3D) Program invites applications to the ninth annual Clinic on Meaningful Modeling of Epidemiological Data (MMED). This 2-week modeling clinic will bring together graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and other researchers from Africa and around the world, with the goal of engaging the participants in epidemiological modeling projects that use real data to grapple with practical questions in a meaningful way.

The Clinic will consist of a series of lectures, discussions, and tutorials that will guide participants through the process of developing data-based, dynamical models of disease spread and using models to answer public health questions. Participants are encouraged to bring data sets and questions to the Clinic, and to start collaborative projects with each other or the organizers. Various statistical and dynamical modeling paradigms will be explored. Computer exercises and group projects will reinforce and extend the concepts covered, and participants will gain experience using tools such as R, R Studio, git, and GitHub for collaborative projects. Please review the schedule from MMED 2017 ( for additional information on the topics covered.

During the first week of the Clinic, all participants will be required to present on previous or ongoing research that is related to the Clinic’s themes. Participants are encouraged to continue research projects begun during the Clinic when they return to their home institutions and will be required to complete a written report on group projects.

Students and researchers with a demonstrated interest in infectious disease research are encouraged to apply. The Clinic is targeted towards participants with a strong quantitative background and some prior knowledge of mathematical modeling in epidemiology but limited experience integrating data and models to address applied questions in infectious disease dynamics.

Funding is available to cover room, board, and travel costs for a limited number of Clinic participants. The application process for the Clinic is highly competitive. Preference will be given to applicants that have the most to gain from Clinic participation. The deadline for receipt of applications is 5pm Eastern (New York) on February 15 for applicants based outside of Africa and 1 March, 2018 for applicants based at African institutions. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. More information about the Clinic, a description of the application procedure and eligibility requirements, and all necessary forms are located online and can be accessed through the Program’s website: