Advanced STATA short course 2019 at LSHTM

Advanced STATA: Programming and other techniques to make your life easier.  A five day course from the Population Studies Group, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


Course dates: 4 – 8 November 2019.


As well as being a powerful tool for statistical analysis, Stata offers a variety of commands for manipulating your data and for formatting, arranging and exporting your results. This intensive short course is aimed at researchers and other professionals, from any discipline, who regularly use Stata for analysis but want to learn how to work more efficiently. It would be particularly suited to those who are about to embark on large analyses and who would like a quick guide on how to automate the repetitive parts of the process. We will cover a range of topics including:

  • efficient ways of working using do files commands that allow you to manipulate data and to easily create new summary variables and datasets.
  • Stata’s commands for accessing and outputting results including putdocx to send output to Word documents and two simple commands to write text files and Stata datasets containing results.
  • creating new commands (programs) for Stata.

The course has run since 2008 and has been a great success. Participants have consistently commented on the excellent teaching and feedback includes  “I learnt so much in such a short time”,  “I would recommend this course” and “This has saved me months of work”.   Each year we find that many people have had the course recommended by a friend or colleague.


More information about the course as well as enrolment instructions can be found here: