Did you know you can view hundreds of past MSc projects via library Discover?

We know that it may have been challenging for many students to switch from their planned primary research summer projects to conducting systematic reviews. Fortunately, the library has over 600 systematic review MSc projects available to view online, providing a variety of example work for you to take a look at.

To find these projects, simply search ‘systematic review’ in Discover (make sure you are signed in first). Then go to the filters on the left-hand side. Click ‘show more’ under ‘Resource type’, then filter for ‘MSc Projects’.

If you are looking for an MSc systematic review on a certain topic, you can search ‘systematic review’ followed by the subject area, again filtering for MSc Projects. For example, searching ‘systematic review malaria’, then filtering by MSc Projects, gives 12 results.

Students often ask if there is any way to find examples of projects which achieved high merits or distinctions. Unfortunately, this is not possible, as the projects are not published with this information. However, you may be able to ask your supervisor if they can recommend titles of past MSc projects which they know achieved particular marks, and then search for them using key words from the title and filtering by MSc Projects.