Library Services for Distance Learning Students

2014 DL reception-029After Distance Learning students and staff partied it on down in the library at the annual DL reception hosted by LSHTM alumni earlier this month, I thought it the opportune moment to outline the library services we offer distance learning students.

The basics (i.e. the numbers and whatnot)

LSHTM currently has over 3000 distance learning students registered in 130 countries, all of whom are dual registered with the School and the University of London International Programme.

The School offers Masters, Diplomas and Certificates in the fields of Clinical Trials, Epidemiology, Global Health Policy, Infectious Diseases and Public Health.

LSHTM Library Services for Distance Learners (i.e. the stuff you really want to know about) 

Where possible LSHTM library aim to provide the same service to both Distance Learning students and Face to Face (F2F) students.


Distance learning students automatically (without having to register) have access to all of LSHTM library’s e-resources. This includes databases, e-journals and e-books, which can be accessed via the library website and catalogue:

When accessing LSHTM resources Distance Learning students will prompted to provide a username and password, this will be the same username and password as the ones used to log in to Moodle.

*Klaxon* Upcoming soon on the library blog will be a more in-depth look at E-Resources for DL students, keep those eyes peeled!

The University of London Online Library (i.e. the bit where it can get confusing)

All Distance Learning students are dual registered with both LSHTM library and the University of London Online Library. The University of London (UoL) Online Library also provides access to a range of e-resources.

Unlike accessing LSHTM e-resources, Distance Learning students who wish to access material from the UoL Online library need to register for an Athens username and password. This can be done by visiting the University of London Online Library website

Interlibrary Loans (i.e. getting stuff LSHTM/University of London doesn’t hold)

Distance Learning students can also register to use LSHTM’s Interlibrary Loan Service. This means that DL students can get hold of material that is not held by us or by UoL. Material can be ordered via the Library catalogue and is then sent directly to the requester’s email via The British Library.

Each request costs £2.00 which will be added to the requester’s library account once the material has been delivered. Distance Learning students will be sent an invoice to be paid via the School’s e-shop.

All Distance Learning students need to do to register for this service is email:

To find out more about this service see:

Information Skills Training (i.e. Training for all those literature searching needs)

There are exciting plans afoot to provide information skills training for Distance Learning students. This training will replicate the training currently given to Face to Face (F2F) students. It is set to be launched at the start of the 2014/15 year and will be available to all DL students via Moodle.

And finally…

DL students who live in the UK or who are visiting London can also register for full library membership (to be able to borrow books etc.) Guidance on registration is available on our website here:





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