COAF Block Grant – April 2018 Update

Researchers funded by COAF partner charities other than Wellcome Trust:

Please note that due to high demand, our 2017-18 block grant funding for several COAF partner charities has been depleted as of April 2018. The charities include: Arthritis Research UK, Bloodwise, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK and Parkinson’s UK. Open access funding is still available for Wellcome Trust-funded researchers – please apply through ServiceDesk.

We are pleased that so many LSHTM publications in the past year have been made open access via the ‘gold’ (paid) route. Funding is expected to become available again for the aforementioned COAF partner charities from October 2018 on a first-come first-serve basis, but in the mean time we encourage you to apply for APC waivers from fully open access journals journals, or follow the ‘green’ (self-archiving, free) route to open access by providing your accepted manuscript through the Open Access section in the Library & Archives ServiceDesk portal. Cancer Research UK authors may also make use of any underspend in their response-mode grants to pay for open access fees.

Many journals will allow you to meet your funders’ open access requirements by following the ‘green’ route to open access. You can help to ensure that your journal is compliant with your funder’s open access policies by using SHERPA/FACT or check with the Research Publications Team via ServiceDesk.



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