Starting a new postgraduate can be daunting at the best of times, but starting during a pandemic when so much uncertainty is in the air, when you may not have been able to meet in person your course mates, lecturers or even set foot on campus… Well, it’s difficult to say the least. As the school starts to open up, and accessing LSHTM in person becomes easier. The Library are highlighting a number of books which may be helpful. Each month different items in the collection will be on display, with a focus on a particular subject area or awareness event.
As it’s the first month with taught courses happening in person, and more students are attending the physical building for the first time and visiting the Library and meeting the lovely staff (note: I may be biased). The collections team are highlighting a number of useful books which may help you with academic writing and dealing with the stress of your courses.

‘Books for study and well-being’ is this months display, showcasing books such as ‘Writing for academic success”, “How to write better essays” and “Introducing Research Methodology” to help take academic writing and research skills to the next level and “When perfect isn’t good enough” and “Coping with stress at university: A survival guide”, as postgraduate study can be stressful and maybe you’ll be able to get some useful tips when dealing with the stresses and anxieties of studying.

Introducing Research Methodology – Uwe Flick
This book textbook well help those who may not come from a research background (or just need that extra bit of help after time away) to get the skills needed to develop an effective research project, such as helping you to build a question, what type of research model is right for you and build the skills needed to help you with collecting data and evaluating the information. This book can be found shelved at AHAZ 2015.
We have a wide range of books to help in both areas, more books on stress and well being can be found in the Barnard Room under the shelfmark UJBM and more books on getting help with academic writing and research can be located in the main library reading room under AHAZ.

Finally, from everyone in the Library, good luck with your courses and it’s great to see so many students coming in and returning to the School and coming in to use the library space for your research and work.