We’re seeking your feedback on how we’ve been doing during this academic year. If you’re a student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) you should have received an email from the Library asking you three questions:
- Overall how satisfied are you with the LSHTM Library & Archives Service?
- How satisfied are you with LSHTM Library resources?
- How satisfied are you with LSHTM Library support and training?
All you need to do is open the email and click on the link that best describes your level of satisfaction for each question.
You’ll then be given the option to leave more detailed feedback if you want to.
The feedback we get from students and staff guides our decision making and helps improve the Library & Archives Service for future users. Some changes we’ve made in recent years as a result of user feedback are:
- Introducing a chat service, making it easier for you to contact our team online
- Rescheduling our literature searching sessions for later in the academic year
- An improved Inter-Library Loan request form
- Addition of powered study spaces within the Library
- Creation of zones to suit different types of study (quiet, social and group zones)
If you’re currently at LSHTM, you can find out more on the “You said, we did” Student Experience intranet pages here.
No matter what the time of year, we are always interested in hearing from you and have multiple ways for you to get in touch:
- Using the online feedback form
- Emailing library@lshtm.ac.uk
- Using the chat service on our homepage
- Calling +44 (0)20 7927 2276
- Via Twitter or Facebook
- or through student representatives
Thank you for your suggestions!