All posts by Andre Burbidge

Front covers of "Labour and life of the people"

Labour and life of the people / Charles Booth. – London : Williams and Norgate, 1889-1891.

Four editions of Booth’s work were published, based on his notebooks, the version in our collection comprising three volumes including an appendix with maps. The work paints a vivid picture of the social conditions in London in the late 19th century. For much of the book, Booth is the…

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Books on positive fitness and well-being

Positive health

Find out about positive fitness!

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Title page of Arthur Shadwell's "The London water supply" - 1989

The London water supply / by Arthur Shadwell – London : Longmans Green & Co, 1899.

A work on the water supply of London, written one year after the East End drought of 1989

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Bookplate of A Treatise on the small-pox by Lobb

Treatise on the small pox : in two parts, by Theophilus Lobb, MD. – London : printed for T. Woodward, 1731. (catalogue entry – no digitized version available)

Theophilus Lobb, M.D.  was a Fellow of the Royal Society (1678-1763). His biography makes interesting reading (1). Born to a pastor of independent dissenters in London, his education and career combined ministry…

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Picture of Charles Stille, author of History of the United States Sanitary Commission.

History of the United States Sanitary Commission

History of the United States Sanitary Commission / by Charles J Stillé – New York : Hurd and Houghton, 1868.

For digitized copy (Wellcome Collection) follow this link:

Founded in 1861 to support sick and wounded soldiers of the U.S. Army (Union Army) during the American Civil…

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Bookplate of Skene Library

Skene Library– finding the provenance

One of our current projects in the Collections Team is going through our historical collections and enhancing the catalogue records so that they conform to modern standards for rare books. One aspect of this process are the fields on the records relating to the provenance of the book in question…

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The history of tuberculosis, cover of book "The greatest story never told"

World Tuberculosis Day 2024. Yes! We can end TB!

The theme of World TB Day 2024 is “Yes! We can end TB!”

The World Tuberculosis Report 2023 (World Health Organization) is available as a free download:

The following references are a taste of the selection…

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Poster for World Leprosy Day showing hand

World Leprosy Day 2024

World Leprosy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of January. In India it is observed on 30 January, the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s death.

This year’s theme is “Beat Leprosy”, with the dual objectives of eradicating the stigma associated with leprosy and promoting the dignity of those…

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Spitting prohibited notice on bus

Finish your toast!

“Finish your toast, Andre, then we’ll get the 51 to grandma’s”

I was 6 years old. My mum had taken me to the Birmingham Diaries café for tea and toast after my dental check-up: no breakfast on dental appointment days, but a treat for attending. I enjoyed…

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World No Tobacco Day 2023: Grow food not tobacco

31 May 2023 is World No Tobacco day. While much has been written about the harmful effects of using tobacco and public health interventions to combat this, the theme this year moves to the growing of tobacco, hence the slogan “grow food, not tobacco”, a theme which dovetails with the…

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