All posts by Andre Burbidge

International Women’s Day : staff / alumni authors

To mark International Women’s Day, I have put together a display of books authored or edited by a range of female staff and alumni of LSHTM. Among others there are Sari Kovats, Dina Balabanova, Virginia Berridge, Ann Mills and Anna Dixon. The topics include both the sciences and social…

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International Migrants Day. 18 December 2022

On 4 December 2000, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 18 December as International Migrants Day (resolution A/RES/55/93). The day is intended to mark the 1990 adoption of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families (A/RES/45/158…

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World rabies day, 28 September 2022.

28 September 2022 marks World Rabies Day. This year’s theme is “One health ; zero death” : see: World Health Organization has a target for the elimination of deaths due to dog-mediated infection…

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National Immunization Awareness Month


The National Immunization Awareness Month is held annually in August, focusing on the importance of immunization at all ages (see

I was born in April 1964, in Birmingham, West Midlands. My…

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World Environment Day 2022 (United Nations Environment Programme)

The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is “Only One Earth”. The host nation is Sweden.

“In the Universe there are billions of galaxies. In our galaxy are billions of planets. But there is only one Planet Earth”

The stuff of both science and science fiction perhaps, but…

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World Malaria Day 2022: Monday 25 April

The theme of World Malaria Day 2022 is: “Harness innovation to reduce the malaria burden and save lives.” The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that no single tool available today will solve the problem and is calling for significant investment and a multi-sector approach.

In 2020 there were an…

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The history of tuberculosis, cover of book "The greatest story never told"

World Tuberculosis Day. 24 March 2022

World Tuberculosis Day is held on the 24 March each year to raise awareness of the public health impact of this disease. On this date in 1882, Robert Koch announced he had discovered the bacterium that causes TB, which opened a way towards diagnosis and cure.

This year’s theme…

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Book of the month. (1): Imperial medicine : Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease

Book of the month. No.1: November 2021

Imperial medicine : Patrick Manson and the conquest of tropical disease / Douglas M. Haynes – Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. Shelf mark: DY (MAN). Follow link for e-book version (LSHTM staff and students only)

This biography of Patrick Manson¹ looks at his…

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My copy of Barnard with annonations

30 years ago ..

I finished washing up my side plate, spoon and cereal bowl and replaced them carefully in “my” cupboard in the shared kitchen. I went down the corridor to my bedsit room, the front downstairs room, shielded from the street by net curtains, and collected my bag. It was a Wednesday…

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E-books and how to use them

This year we have received a lot of enquiries from students and staff, including some of my library colleagues, about how to use e-books : how to read them, how to download, whether you need to use special software to download, and limits on how much you can copy or…

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