All posts by Jane Falconer

Alternative sources of US Federal Government Information

(and information about what is happening within the STEM information landscape)

With the transition to the new government in the United States, we are seeing some major changes in the US federal information landscape.

This blog post aims to bring together information for LSHTM staff and students on alternative sources…

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Get ahead: book a library information skills session

Effective Literature Searching: relevant for MSc Projects – booking now available (all sessions on Zoom)

These take place on:

Part 1 – step by step literature searching: relevant to all types of MSc project.Monday 24 June 13:00 to 14:30Thursday 27 June 11:00 to 12:30Monday 1 July 12:00 to 13:00Tuesday 2 July 10:00 to 11:30

All the above…

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2023 Emtree term changes

After writing about the changes to MeSH terms, the Emtree terms have also been updated. The full list of new/edited terms for 2023 and changes made in previous years, can be found in the Embase Support Centre.

Emtree terms work in the same way as MeSH terms but are…

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2023 MeSH headings update

Each year, the National Library of Medicine updates the MeSH headings used to tag and index items added to the Medline or PubMed database. This is to update the terminology to keep up with changes in practice and also to edit any terms which have been found to be problematic…

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PrePrints added to OvidSP Embase

Good news for those of us needing to find the most up to date information as soon as possible. Records from the two biggest medical and biological preprint servers are now available on OvidSP Embase (scroll down to Embase, click the database name, then click the ‘Access Embase database’ button…

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2022 Updates to MeSH

Every year the indexers at the National Library of Medicine update the MeSH index terms for PubMed/Medline. Full details of the updates can be found at Here are some highlights that may be of interest to LSHTM staff and students, including…

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PubMed icon

MeSH update for 2021: new subject headings of interest to LSHTM users

Every year the National Library of Medicine updates its MeSH index for Medline and PubMed. This adds new terms to catch up with changes in the research. Details of the update are published on the NLM website and will be incorporated into papers added to Medline/PubMed from 2021. Be…

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Updates to MeSH terms for 2020

The US National Library of Medicine has released the edits for their medical subject headings (MeSH) for 2020. These are used to index articles added to the PubMed and Medline databases, and are also used by other databases including the Cochrane Library. The MeSH terms are updated every year to…

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NEW: MeSH terms for 2019 include Systematic Review as a publication type

As usually happens at this time of year, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) update the MeSH headings used to index their Medline/PubMed database. Full details can be found on the NLM Technical Bulletin, 425. Changes which may be of interest to LSHTM researchers have been highlighted below.

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Removing duplicates from an EndNote library

If you have done any systematic review searching, you will have spent time removing duplicate references from your results. Faced with the prospect of deduplicating 26k results, I put out a plea/rant on twitter.

If anyone knows of a system which is good at removing duplicates from >20…

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