All posts in Archives

A Wartime Christmas: The Nutrition Collection does Christmas

Often when we think of Christmas we associate it with indulgence, where we look forward to succulent roast dinners and copious amounts of sweet treats, but spare a thought for those who faced Christmas on rations.

From 1939 till 1954, the Home Front was subject to strict rationing on cloth…

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Bridging the Gap Trainee – First month at LSHTM Archives

Hello! My name’s Manasseh and this is my first blog post as a Digital Archives Trainee for LSHTM Archives, since starting 6 weeks ago.

So, as part of The National Archives Bridging the Digital Gap programme I will be at LSHTM Archives for 15 months learning what it means…

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World Digital Preservation Day 2018

World Digital Preservation Day at LSHTM

November 29th 2018 was the date of the 2nd World Digital Preservation Day. We explore the role of digital preservation in health research, describe the digital preservation activities currently performed by the LSHTM Library & Archives Service, and outline our future plans. Read more

Who won the Great War Bake Off 2018?

Last week, LSHTM Archives held the 4th Great War Bake Off (GWBO), a baking competition that challenged LSHTM staff and students to bake using wartime recipes. The GWBO has enabled the LSHTM Archives to showcase their extensive Nutrition Collection, but also reflect on the sacrifices that soldiers and civilians faced…

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Ross in uniform

Poetry of War: Sir Ronald Ross and the First World War

Sir Ronald Ross is best known for being the discoverer of the malaria vector in 1897. His discovery brought him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1902, the first Briton to be awarded the prize in Medicine. What is less known is Ross’ love for literature, in fact…

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Sir Ronald Ross and malaria in the First World War

Today is World Malaria Day, to mark this day the Archives service will be posting blogs that look at malaria from its collections.

The LSHTM Archives Service holds the records of Sir Ronald Ross, discoverer of the mosquito transmission of malaria and the first Briton to be awarded the Nobel…

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The Great War Bake Off: 2018

This November marks the Centenary of the end of the First World War and to commemorate this time, LSHTM Archives Service is inviting staff and students to bake cakes using wartime recipes provided by the Library & Archives Service or a recipe you have found yourself. The Archives have delved…

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Sir Ronald Ross and The Ghost Hypothesis

Spiritualism garnered popularity throughout the 19th and early 20th century, having emerged from America in 1848 when sisters, Maggie and Kate Fox, claimed that they were able to speak to spirits whereby they deciphered the knocks, apparently, created by other worldly visitors. Their claims led them on a tour of…

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LSTM, Albert Docks Ree and Manson

Class of 1918?

At this time of year, the LSHTM Archives team like to look back at a historic class to welcome our new students, however the class of 1918 was unlike the previous and preceding years. This blog post will look at why teaching at the School was different and what its…

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London School of Tropical Medicine, Albert Docks

119th Anniversary of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Today, marks the 119th anniversary of the opening of the London School of Tropical Medicine at Royal Albert Docks, and the beginning of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine’s journey.

The School owes its existence to Sir Patrick Manson, who had worked for 20 years as a…

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