All posts in Journals

Looking for Help with Your MSc Project?

Tackling your summer projects can be daunting. The library is here to support you every step of the way.  We currently have a new book display in the Reading Room at Keppel Street, focusing on several resources which can help you complete your Master’s dissertation with confidence.


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Book display: Nutrition & Hydration Week 2024

It’s Nutrition and Hydration week from the 11th to the 17th March 2024.

Nutrition and Hydration Week, 11th – 17th March 2024

This year, the theme around the week is “Making a Difference Everyday”, it’s all important we all consider if we’re getting enough nutrients in our diets…

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Your Library needs you!

Have your say on the Library and get a £10 gift voucher!

The LSHTM Library will be holding focus groups of service users to gather feedback on our Discover Library search tool (The Library catalogue).

Discover : The LSHTM library catalogue.

We’d love for you to join us on one…

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Access to JSTOR archival journal collections

Readers now have access to the following JSTOR archive collections:

Arts & Sciences IArts & Sciences IIArts & Sciences VIArts & Sciences VIIArts & Sciences XLife Sciences

These collections provide readers with full-text articles from nearly 900 journal titles. The Life Sciences collection is discipline-specific and focuses on…

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Inter Library Loans : update

Image: Abhi Sharma on Flickr (CC BY 2.0 license)

We’re pleased to be able to provide books and other physical materials via Inter Library Loan (ILL) once again. ILL is a useful service for all current LSHTM staff and students in those instances when you’re looking for…

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Library Inductions 2021/22 poster showing the main Library Reading Room in the background. The text says "Bookable sessions are available during Week 1: 27 September - 1 October"

Library inductions for new students 2021/22 – Welcome to LSHTM!

Library Inductions for new students.

A very warm welcome to all our new students!

We recognise there is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during Welcome Week. If you do find yourself with a free moment though, please feel free to contact the Library (library@lshtm…

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Barnard 3.0 – Updating the library collection: a look at the pamphlets

With the update to the Barnard Classification Scheme completed, thousands of physical items in the library collection have had classmarks changed. Updating items on the records management system and the physical items in the main collection, the basement and the pamphlet collection in the gallery. Rather the large and daunting…

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Decolonial practice for library collections, part 2

The Library uses the Barnard Classification Scheme to organise print resources into subject-related categories.  Cyril Barnard was the School’s first professional librarian, and he wrote his A classification for medical and veterinary libraries in 1936, amended in 1955.  There was an urgent need to update the…

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Decolonial practice for library collections, part 1

University library collections support the teaching and research demands placed by the organisation in which they are embedded.  Not only are resources in collections dominated by thought and knowledge creation of the global north, but several library practices contribute to this colonial bias. The nature of library collections has…

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Library Inductions for new students: welcome to our Library services

Library Inductions for new students.Welcome to all our new students! We look forward to supporting you in your studies this year.There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during Welcome week. When you have time, please feel free to contact the Library (library@lshtm…

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