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Even more on literature searching

“Which database should I use for my topic ? “ is an all too familiar question. Luckily, help is at hand – – is a useful list of databases by subject, and for big topics such as “Public Health”, it lists the most useful…

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Help with Literature searching

Confused about AND, OR, NOT, and those pesky wildcards, then don’t be. The Library can help you understand the mysteries of these Boolean Operators and assist you with conducting Efficient and Effective literature searches and systematic reviews. These can be held on a one-to-one basis, or even…

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More help with literature searching


Do you know your Medline from your Pubmed or even your Cochrane from your Scopus ?  If you do, well done, but if not all can be revealed when you book an information skills session in the Library.  Library staff can show you how to search different databases relevant to…

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Cataloguing the Library & Archives Service Pamphlet Collection

The Library is undertaking a project to catalogue a collection of around 3000 pamphlets, all of which were previously inaccessible to users and stored away inside a vault. The pamphlets date from 1900 onwards and cover a range of subjects which make up the Barnard classification scheme, with principle strengths…

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Finding similar articles via LSHTM Research Online

Read it, loved it, but want more similar works? Researchers can now find related articles to the one they are reading but also ones held in the School’s Open Access research repository– the CORE Recommender is here.

CORE is a service that facilitates the access and navigation to millions…

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Caring for your hair in the tropics

To celebrate #hairyarchives, part of the Explore your Archives campaign, we thought it would be appropriate to quickly highlight one of our archival manuscripts on sanitary care in the tropics. Written by Dr James Balfour-Kirk to his godson who was travelling through the tropics with his family in 1925…

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Pioneers of Tropical Medicine

It’s Explore Your Archives Week: today we focus on ‘Pioneers’, something the School is so well known for.
Around our building is the famous frieze of 23 pioneers of tropical medicine.
They include such luminaries as Sir Ronald Ross, who proved beyond doubt in 1897 that the mosquito was…

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Dan Brown is in the Library!

Along with Forsyth, Mankell, Sting :-) and a few of your favourite fiction and other genre authors.
Why not pop over to our Bookswap area in the Library foyer and have a gander?
Take any book labelled “Bookswap” for as long as you want.
You can even donate any excess fiction…

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The Library Dungeon

Lurking in the bowels of the School, hidden to all but library and archives staff, is this place.

The Basement.

What lies behind this cage? What fiendish creatures fester beyond the wire?

These monsters!

PhD Theses published in the years 2000 to the current year
Print journals published in the…

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An apple a day

No, not the brand, the actual fruit.
Happy Apple Day! #AppleDay (21st October 2016)
After you celebrate this humble fruit by consuming a few outside of library premises and boosting your nutrition, why not visit LSHTM Library and discover a whole gamut of…

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