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The varied life of an archive volunteer

Author: Helen Winning

Helen is currently on a voluntary placement in the archives.

I am sadly coming to the end of my time volunteering here at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine archives, but thankfully I have been privileged enough to have been given a wide and varied…

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Access to Research at Public Libraries

If you are away from the Internet or if the School does not subscribe to a particular journal students and researchers are able to benefit from an initiative to provide walk-in access to a wide range of academic articles and research in public libraries across the UK.

Following a…

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Roll up, roll up…Book Stands now available

Are you tired of the perpetual fight to keep pages open while you take notes? Have you had enough of having to read at an awkward angle? A solution is at hand in the form of ten gorgeous new wooden book stands that have been generously donated by the SRC…

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Top 5 downloaded papers from LSHTM Research Online – May 2014

Image caption: side wall of the SK3587: Sheffield bingo hall in Flat Street. Copyright Chris Downer and licenced for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Last month LSHTM Research Online had its second highest ever month of downloads with over 19, 50 full text papers being downloaded. This month the…

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Library Opening Hours 16th & 17th June 2014

The Library will close at 5pm on Monday 16th June for an External Relations event, and will remain closed all day on Tuesday 17th June for the LAS Planning Day.

The Library will reopen as usual at 8.30am on Wednesday 18th June…

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Find eJournals – a new service for finding and accessing electronic journal content

On the 16 June 2014 the Library will be replacing their current electronic journals management system, TDNet, with an OpenURL link resolver (SFX) from Ex Libris.  This new service will be called Find eJournals.






SFX will already be familiar to many Library users from database…

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Bubbles and kittens and puppies, oh my. Or exam worries and woes

Some innovative ways universities have introduced or are thinking of introducing to help relieve the stress of exams include: bubble wrap popping stations (University of Leicester student union),petting zoos (University of Bath) and even bouncy castles and massages (PETA’s alternatives to petting zoos).
Here at LSHTM library, we…

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Happy Easter from the Archives!

Major Ronald Ross received this Easter greeting sent by Dr F Genovese in 1910 from the province of Caulonia, Calabria, Italy .

The postcard shows a group waiting to receive quinine treatment for malaria.


A second postcard from Genovese to Ross, shows  a bullock cart transporting Genovese and Professor Bartholemew…

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How do I search Medline before 1946?

I was recently asked this question by a student who was rather surprised by my answer. I took the student up to the Library’s Wellcome Gallery where we looked at print copies of Index Medicus, going back to volume one, printed in 1879.

Index Medicus was published every month…

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Winner of Photo Competition

We are pleased to announced that the winner of the Photo Competion is Andrew Bastawrous with his photo entitled: Cataract diagnosis in rural Kenya using a smartphone.

There were 76 entries this year and the judging panel was very impressed by the quality and range of images. We would like…

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