All posts in User Services

Self-service now available at LSHTM Library

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve just introduced a new self-service machine at the LSHTM Library.

If you’re a London-based student, you can use this straightaway! All you will need is your LSHTM ID card to borrow and return items. Library staff will also be…

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Inter Library Loans : update

Image: Abhi Sharma on Flickr (CC BY 2.0 license)

We’re pleased to be able to provide books and other physical materials via Inter Library Loan (ILL) once again. ILL is a useful service for all current LSHTM staff and students in those instances when you’re looking for…

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Barnard 3.0 – Updating the library collection: a look at the pamphlets

With the update to the Barnard Classification Scheme completed, thousands of physical items in the library collection have had classmarks changed. Updating items on the records management system and the physical items in the main collection, the basement and the pamphlet collection in the gallery. Rather the large and daunting…

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Your chance to have your say!

We’re seeking your feedback on how we’ve been doing during this academic year. If you’re a student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) should have received an email from the Library asking you three questions:

Overall how satisfied are you with the LSHTM…

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Library Inductions for new students: welcome to our Library services

Library Inductions for new students.Welcome to all our new students! We look forward to supporting you in your studies this year.There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during Welcome week. When you have time, please feel free to contact the Library (library@lshtm…

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Library inductions

Library Inductions for new students

Welcome to all our new students! We look forward to supporting you in your studies this year.

There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during orientation week.  When you have time, come along to the Library when we are open – the staff here will be…

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Library Feedback

It’s that time of year again, as we come to the end of the academic year, that we ask you how you think we’re doing. You will receive an email from the Library asking you 2 questions:

Overall how satisfied are you with the Library & Archives Service…

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Finding study spaces during the exam revision period

Finding Study Spaces
In the build-up to exams, the Library can become very busy. Students may wish to use alternative study spaces. There are a range of options at the School, and in the local area.

At LSHTM Keppel Street:

LG24 Pop-Up Library Study Space (from 28th…

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Resources Feedback

Library resources feedback

The Library Team are currently undertaking a feedback project about resources. We’d like to hear from current students about how satisfied you are with the Library’s resources, and how and where you search for them. We will use the responses to improve our service.

We’re starting the…

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Senate House Library Membership Event

All School staff and students are entitled to free membership of Senate House Library. This is an excellent resource which gives you access to thousands of online resources. It also entitles you to use their study space and borrow library items.

On Tuesday 4th December, from 13:00-15:00…

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