World Population Day 11th July 2023

World Population Day is all about raising awareness of controlling the population and serves to highlight the growing problems that come with a growing global population. World Population Day was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. It was inspired by the public interest…

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Your Library needs you!

Have your say on the Library and get a £10 gift voucher!

The LSHTM Library will be holding focus groups of service users to gather feedback on our Discover Library search tool (The Library catalogue).

Discover : The LSHTM library catalogue.

We’d love for you to join us on one…

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William Brass and Medical Research in East Africa

The LSHTM Archive recently catalogued and made available to researchers the papers of William Brass (1921 – 1999).

William Brass was a demographer, meaning that he undertook statistical research of human populations. Throughout his career he developed indirect methods for estimating mortality and fertility in populations lacking comprehensive registrations of births…

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Lithograph illustration depicting two men showing their scars from resection operations after sustaining shot injuries.

Sutures and Surgery (Historical Collection)

The history of surgery is long and varied, dating back thousands of years across the world. Several books in the the Library’s Historical Collection offer fascinating glimpses into some of the surgical practices of the past. This blogpost will investigate some of them and the history of their publication…

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Graphic showing different aspects of medical research: clipboard, pillbox, pencil, plaster.

Book Display: Research Appreciation Day

This Wednesday 5th July is Research Appreciation Day, a new awareness day launched by medical research charities, particularly the Association of Medical Research Charities and MQ Mental Health Research. It is intended to recognise the contributions of researchers in all aspects of health. To celebrate, the Library has a display…

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Dr Donald Minter in a Cypriot cave c.1990

The Minter Trap and other volunteering experiences

By Becky Darnill

As part of my Archives and Records Management course at UCL, I undertook a two-week placement with the archive team at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I was given the opportunity to create a catalogue structure for a collection of papers recently donated…

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Graphic showing a cartoon heart connected to a bag used for blood transfusions.

Book Display: World Blood Donor Day

This Wednesday 14 June is World Blood Donor Day, a day intended to thank voluntary blood donors worldwide, raise awareness of the need for global access to safe blood transfusions, and encourage regular voluntary and unpaid blood donation from healthy individuals. This year’s theme is “Give blood, give plasma…

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Chat with us!

If you’ve used our website or searched our resources lately, you may well have spotted this shiny new icon:

This is there as we’re currently trialling an instant webchat service, provided by LibraryH3lp. The service has been running for about a month so far and we’re pleased…

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World No Tobacco Day 2023: Grow food not tobacco

31 May 2023 is World No Tobacco day. While much has been written about the harmful effects of using tobacco and public health interventions to combat this, the theme this year moves to the growing of tobacco, hence the slogan “grow food, not tobacco”, a theme which dovetails with the…

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image advising MSc students to book a literature searching session.

Effective Literature Searching: refresher / summary sessions for MSc students – booking now available.

These take place on:Tues 30th May 15:00 to 17:00Weds 31th May 09:30 to 11:30Fri12nd June 13:00 to 15:00 

Mon 19th June 13:00 to 15:00Tues 20th June 09:30 to 11:30Weds 21st June 15:00 to 17:00

All the…

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