LSTM, Albert Docks Ree and Manson

Class of 1918?

At this time of year, the LSHTM Archives team like to look back at a historic class to welcome our new students, however the class of 1918 was unlike the previous and preceding years. This blog post will look at why teaching at the School was different and what its…

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London School of Tropical Medicine, Albert Docks

119th Anniversary of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Today, marks the 119th anniversary of the opening of the London School of Tropical Medicine at Royal Albert Docks, and the beginning of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine’s journey.

The School owes its existence to Sir Patrick Manson, who had worked for 20 years as a…

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book a library information skills session

Library Information Skills Training for new students

A warm welcome to all our new students – we look forward to supporting in your studies this year!

There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during orientation week.  When you have had a chance to catch your breath, come along to the Library any time…

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Open Access publication

Open Access October

While International Open Access Week is normally held in universities across the world during the last full week of October, this year the Research Publications Team will be running a series of events and workshops throughout October. October should therefore be known as OActober…

Funders, universities, and governments are encouraging…

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Open Access Round-up: Summer 2018

The end of EU or national funding for hybrid journal APCs? 

The EU’s 2021-27 R&D programme will not pay for articles to be published in hybrid open-access journals under new proposals published by the European Commission in June. Horizon Europe would pay for article processing…

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Collection of the Month – Sir Shirley Murphy

September’s collection of the month features the collection of Sir Shirley Foster Murphy.

Sir Shirley Foster Murphy was born in 1848 and educated University College School and Guy’s Hospital. His work included being the Vice President of Royal Sanitary Institute, and was involved in a range of societies…

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Creative Commons outside of Academia

Authors at LSHTM will know that, when making work Gold Open Access, they need to ensure that they publish their work with a CC BY (Attribution) licence. This allows anyone to 1) copy, distribute and transmit work, 2) adapt work, and 3) make commercial use of the work under the…

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On-demand access to eBooks

The Library is currently providing access to thousands of eBooks from ProQuest, using a ‘demand driven acquisition’ (DDA) model. Subjects covered include health, economics, nursing, pharmacy, biology, botany, zoology, social sciences, and many more.  Readers can run a search as usual in Discover, and if you click on one of…

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Centenary of the Cooperative Anti Malaria movement in India

This blog post was written by Krishanu Bhattacharyya, Assistant Teacher, Kalyannahgar Vidyapith & Independent Researcher and Alison Forsey, Archives Assistant.

2018 is the centenary of the Anti-Malaria movement in India, which was initiated by Dr. Gopal Chandra Chatterjee in 1918 as a response to the high mortality rates of…

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Library floor restoration

From 25th August, for one month, the floor of the Library is being restored. The Library will remain open throughout this time, however there will be some disruption to study spaces and accessing the book collection.

During the restoration the floors will be sanded back to the original cork tiles…

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