Open access roundup – Winter 2017-18

Each month, the Research Publications Team will aim to provide a roundup of open access and scholarly communications news. In addition, we’ll highlight any tips, tricks and tools we’ve come across that help to make disseminating, finding and using open access content easier. Here’s our bumper roundup…

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Reports : snapshots in time

The reports series collection contains some very useful items, especially if you are looking for historical, geographical, statistical / epidemiological information.

Reports series are typically health statistics and census data produced by governmental and non-governmental organizations on a regular basis – e.g. weekly, monthly, annually, every 10 years. The name…

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49th Session Oct-Dec 1915

The history of suffrage and the impact of women in LSHTM archival collections‘

By Alison Forsey

On February 6th 1918 the Representation of the People Act; legislation that allowed all men and some women to vote was put into law. Although it should be noted that not all women were granted the right to vote, this did not occur until over a decade…

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Using Open Access outside academia – some tips

This week the Open Access Team attended PhD student Emily Nunn’s fascinating talk, ‘Open Access outside academia: exploring access to medical and educational research for non-academics’ at the British Library. One of the takeaway messages from this presentation was that charity workers in particular are demonstrating high levels…

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Love Data Week

Love Data Week – free events in Bloomsbury during Feb 12-16th

To celebrate the 3rd international Love Data Week, a series of research data-related events will be held during the week of February 12-16th across Bloomsbury. The following events are open to LSHTM research staff and students: Read more

GDPR for Research Data Management – workshop report

This blog post provides a brief overview of a workshop organised for the London Area Research Data (LARD) group on the implications of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for research data management. The event was held at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine on November 17, 2017. It was organised by Gareth Knight (LSHTM), in conjunction with Helen Porter (SOAS) and Laurence Horton (LSE). A second write-up of the session has been produced by Laurence Horton. Read more

Open Access Publishing Policy

The School has now approved an Open Access Publishing Policy, which applies to all individuals carrying out research within the School. It reinforces the School’s commitment to better communicating research findings to a wider audience, as well as it’s broader commitment to Open Research.

The key points are…

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Sir Ronald Ross and the Château Renault

December 14th 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the torpedo sinking of the French Cruiser Château Renault. The Château Renault was sunk by a German U-boat en route to Greece with Sir Ronald Ross on board.


The Château Renault was used in the first World…

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Books for International Migrants Day

This Monday, 18 December, marks the 17th annual International Migrants Day. This day was initiated by the General Council of the United Nations, with events being lead by i am a migrant. This platform allows anyone with experience of migration to submit their story, to provide “an honest insight into…

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Open access roundup – November 2017

Each month, the Research Publications Team will aim to provide a roundup of open access and scholarly communications news. In addition, we’ll highlight any tips, tricks and tools we’ve come across that help to make disseminating, finding and using open access content easier. Here’s our roundup for…

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