
Are you satisfied with your Library & Archives Service?

We have 1 question for you – how satisfied are you with your Library & Archives Service?

We will be emailing all students and staff to find out what you think. To register your opinion, all you need to do is click on the link in the email that best describes…

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15 Years of the Archive Service – Looking back at the museum

July is a busy month for commemorations at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and its archives. The foundation stone at Keppel Street was laid on July 7th 1926 by Neville Chamberlain, with the actual opening of the Keppel Street building on July 18th 1929. July also reflects…

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As the recipient of CILIP HLG International Bursary Award, I was privileged to have a professional training placement at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom.

On the first day, I was warmly welcome to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (Library & Archives Service…

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New Additions to the H.S Leeson Collection

A new addition to the H.S Leeson Collection

Back in January, we chose the H.S Leeson papers to be our Collection of the Month, but since then the collection has grown. In March, we were kindly gifted 142 photographs that were taken by or feature H.S. Leeson…

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Five ways to find open access research

You find a citation for an article in a little-known journal that is just right for your dissertation. Unfortunately, the library doesn’t subscribe and you haven’t time to wait for an interlibrary loan.  You are looking for grey literature (such as conference reports and dissertations) but Google…

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Library BookSwap

Fancy reading something non-academic for a change? Looking to refresh your own collection at home? Why not try the Library, Archive & Open Research Services BookSwap scheme. Running for several years now, BookSwap continues to be extremely popular among LAORS users.
Located just inside the foyer, our growing selection…

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Request-a-Copy Button and Copyright Law

‘Request-a-copy’ Button
The School’s repository, Research Online, includes items that are open access, meaning they are freely available online, or closed access, meaning that they are not freely available online for a certain period of time or forever. If the article you wish to consult is one…

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Sir Patrick Manson in Hong Kong

To commemorate the Hong Kong Europe Business Council visit to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine on Monday May 22nd, it seemed appropriate to offer insight on the life of Sir Patrick Manson who spent time in Hong Kong in the later 1800s.

Sir Patrick Manson, (October 3rd…

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Everything you wanted to know about literature searching and were afraid to ask !!

Stop press, stop press !!! Everything you wanted to know about literature searching and were afraid to ask !!
Fear no more, lunch time help is now available in the Library for MSc students throughout most of May, June and July.
These sessions will help you with constructing a search strategy for…

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Collection of the Month for April – George Macdonald

April 25th is Malaria Day, and as a result, the collection of the month here at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine archives is the Macdonald Collection. George Macdonald was born in 1903 in Sheffield, the son of J Smyth Macdonald (Professor of physiology). George Macdonald went on…

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