Assetbank – the School’s new digital asset management system

Assetbank is the School’s new digital asset management system which enables staff and students to access the rich resources of the School’s images and other digital assets. These range from:

Historical images held in the archives
Images of the building, events and people taken by the School Photographer…

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Even more on literature searching

“Which database should I use for my topic ? “ is an all too familiar question. Luckily, help is at hand – – is a useful list of databases by subject, and for big topics such as “Public Health”, it lists the most useful…

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Help with Literature searching

Confused about AND, OR, NOT, and those pesky wildcards, then don’t be. The Library can help you understand the mysteries of these Boolean Operators and assist you with conducting Efficient and Effective literature searches and systematic reviews. These can be held on a one-to-one basis, or even…

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More help with literature searching


Do you know your Medline from your Pubmed or even your Cochrane from your Scopus ?  If you do, well done, but if not all can be revealed when you book an information skills session in the Library.  Library staff can show you how to search different databases relevant to…

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Introduction to the Whitehall Study cataloguing project

This is the first blog in a series relating to the cataloguing of the health survey of male civil servants aged 40 and over, more commonly known as the Whitehall Study. For this initial post, I will outline the project goals, what the Whitehall study was all about and what…

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Energy and fatigue

Feeling alert?

As my colleague Chris said in this blog a couple of weeks ago, we are in the process of cataloguing 3000 pamphlets that were locked away in a vault for many years.

Here’s one: “On Being Tired”, by a Scottish physician named Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, published in 1909…

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The School’s research has impact in 189 countries, and we can prove it!

Did you know School authors have collaborated with authors in Liechtenstein? Or Greenland? Or North Korea? Or that the top three European countries which cite our work are the UK, Switzerland and The Netherlands?

Now you can explore which other countries the School has collaborated with or been cited by…

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Tavistock Place

Starting a research grant at LSHTM – Things you should know for the first year

The Library & Archives Service will be holding a training event for staff wishing to better understand LSHTM processes for setting up a research grant and how they can deal with project management issues. This event will be held on Monday Feb 13, at 2-5pm in the Mary Seacole room at Tavistock Place and is open to all LSHTM staff. Read more

Collection of the month – Charles Wilcocks

As we enter into February and Valentine’s Day approaches, I decided to research a collection that included information on the heart. What I found was a fascinating collection that has been chosen to be the collection of the month here at the LSHTM archives. This collection is the Dr…

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Cataloguing the Library & Archives Service Pamphlet Collection

The Library is undertaking a project to catalogue a collection of around 3000 pamphlets, all of which were previously inaccessible to users and stored away inside a vault. The pamphlets date from 1900 onwards and cover a range of subjects which make up the Barnard classification scheme, with principle strengths…

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