Open Access Week 2016: How “open” are we? Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases

Now in its ninth year, Open Access Week celebrates progress and promotes awareness to help make Open Access the norm in scholarship and research.

As part of the week’s activities we are sharing some info-graphics we’ve produced in the Library covering Open Access and publications.

The infographic…

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Open Access Week 2016: How “open” are we? Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health

Now in its ninth year, Open Access Week celebrates progress and promotes awareness to help make Open Access the norm in scholarship and research.

As part of the week’s activities we are sharing some info-graphics we’ve produced in the Library covering Open Access and publications.

The infographic…

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RCUK’s Open Access block grant 2016/2017

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has recently announced the amounts that it will be paying to institutions in the block grant to support the implementation of its open access policy.
This policy states that any research article or conference proceeding that is published and results from a RCUK funded grant should…

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Open Access Week 2016: How “open” are we? Faculty of Public Health and Policy

Now in its ninth year, Open Access Week celebrates progress and promotes awareness to help make Open Access the norm in scholarship and research.

As part of the week’s activities we are sharing some info-graphics we’ve produced in the Library covering Open Access and publications.

The infographic…

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Open Access Week 2016: Making monographs Open Access

Published research that appears as an article in a peer-reviewed journal which is also Open Access for everyone to be able to download and read is a fairly common occurrence these days. However what is less well know is for monographs or sections in a published book to be…

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An apple a day

No, not the brand, the actual fruit.
Happy Apple Day! #AppleDay (21st October 2016)
After you celebrate this humble fruit by consuming a few outside of library premises and boosting your nutrition, why not visit LSHTM Library and discover a whole gamut of…

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Open Access Week is coming! October 24-30, 2016

Calendar of events for Open Access Week 2016


Open Access Week: Open Access funding

The Open Access team in the Library will introduce the Open Access requirements of research funders such as RCUK and the Wellcome Trust (COAF).

Monday 24 October 2016 at 11:00 am to 12:00…

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Earliest Hospitals and Tropical Medicine

Earliest Hospitals and Tropical Medicine

The history of hospitals extends over 2500 years, shown by early documents and archaeological evidence. In many parts of the world there were healing centres where the nature of the treatment provided varied according to local social and cultural norms.

In early Greek and Roman…

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Class of 1916

For all the new students this year, we thought it would be a great opportunity to meet the students from 100 years ago. In 1916, the School ran three sessions during the year; the 52nd session began in October 1916 and ran to December. 7 students attended, made up entirely…

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Library Information Skills Training for new students

A warm welcome to all our new students – we look forward to supporting in your studies this year!

There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during orientation week.  When you have had a chance to catch your breath, please come along to the Library any…

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