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What we’re paying for Open Access

The Research Publications team in the Library administers the costs of publishing journal articles Open Access from two funds – COAF and RCUK.

The seven partner charities of COAF are members of the Association for Medical Research Charities (AMRC), which supported the establishment of this partnership.

Arthritis Research UK: open access…

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Silvertown after the explosion, 1917

100th Anniversary of the Silvertown Explosion

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Silvetown Explosion, where, on the evening of January 19th 1917, 50 tonnes of trinitrotoluene exploded after efforts to extinguish a fire in one of the factory melt pots failed. The explosion killed 73 people, injured more than 400 and instantly destroyed an estimated…

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Bloomsbury Data Week

Bloomsbury Data Week: 16-20 January 2017

The LSHTM Research Data Management Service are organising a series of events with our counterparts at SOAS and Birkbeck to celebrate research data in its various forms. Join us during 16-20th January 2017 for the following events. Read more

Archive Plans for 2017

The Archives team had a successful year in 2016, working on lots of exciting projects and welcoming our new team member, Alison as part time Archives Assistant. We are all looking forward to an exciting year in 2017 with more projects and plenty of dissemination opportunities. Here are just some…

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Applying Data Collection Tools in Research – 17th January

Location: Manson theatre, LSHTM building, Keppel Street Date: 17th January, 12.30-2pm The LSHTM Research Data Management Service will be hosting a lunchtime seminar on January 17th to discuss the use of mobile devices to perform data collection in the field. Three case studies will be presented, each covering a data collection tool used in a specific research study. Speakers will discuss the benefits and limitations of each tool and provide recommendations for how they may be applied in your own work. Read more

Collection of the Month – Major H S Leeson

This month the LSHTM Archives are celebrating travel archives and what better way to celebrate then to select the Leeson archive as Collection of the Month!

Major H S Leeson a Liverpudlian entomologist, taught at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in 1909 until he joined the Royal Army Medical…

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PubMed icon

2017 Updates to MeSH released

The 2017 update to the Medline thesaurus (MeSH) has been released. This adds new terminology, edits obsolete terminology and reorganises subject trees to keep the thesaurus current. References added to Medline from now on will be indexed using the updated terminology. Please note that changes are not retrospectively applied.

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How to make sure the journal you choose will comply with your funder requirements…and so make sure they pay!

A vitally important question, this one. The Wellcome Trust (who last year gave us £208,038 for open access publishing charges) have announced that they will not be paying charges for publications which fail to meet their requirements.

has done the legwork so you don’t have to.



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Download statistics on Research Online

Where are our downloads from on LSHTM Research Online?

Ever wondered who’s reading the documents we have squirrelled away in Research Online? Pop along to http://researchonline.lshtm.ac.uk/cgi/stats/report/ and get your hands on information that might surprise you.

For example, who’d’ve thought that in the last year, two downloads, not one…

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Christmas cards from India to Sir Ronald Ross

While the collection at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine archives includes a wide variety of material on tropical medicine and the related scientific papers, included within these collections are the occasional treat – in this case, a Christmas treat!

Sir Ronald Ross’ collection here at the archive includes…

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