Open Access Week is coming! October 24-30, 2016

Calendar of events for Open Access Week 2016


Open Access Week: Open Access funding

The Open Access team in the Library will introduce the Open Access requirements of research funders such as RCUK and the Wellcome Trust (COAF).

Monday 24 October 2016 at 11:00 am to 12:00…

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Earliest Hospitals and Tropical Medicine

Earliest Hospitals and Tropical Medicine

The history of hospitals extends over 2500 years, shown by early documents and archaeological evidence. In many parts of the world there were healing centres where the nature of the treatment provided varied according to local social and cultural norms.

In early Greek and Roman…

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Class of 1916

For all the new students this year, we thought it would be a great opportunity to meet the students from 100 years ago. In 1916, the School ran three sessions during the year; the 52nd session began in October 1916 and ran to December. 7 students attended, made up entirely…

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Library Information Skills Training for new students

A warm welcome to all our new students – we look forward to supporting in your studies this year!

There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during orientation week.  When you have had a chance to catch your breath, please come along to the Library any…

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To (p.) or not to (p.fol.)? That is the question.

I approached my manager  clutching a collection of books of various shapes and sizes that I hoped I had classified correctly and to her satisfaction. I had only been working as the library’s cataloguer for 2 weeks and was eager to meet her high standards .

“This is a pamphlet…

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Senate House Library Reminder

Senate House Library (SHL) membership is available to current LSHTM staff and students. You can access their ejournal collections, databases including EBSCOhost, and resources like JSTOR.

SHL starts on the 4th floor of Senate House, just across Malet Street. To use SHL, you’ll need to register. All you need…

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Major updates and new features on Embase

Ovid have announced a number of major updates and new features for the Embase database. These will go live on 19 September 2016.

The most important updates are:

The thesaurus/Emtree display will change to include full History Notes and other information provided by Elsevier.
16 new fields will be…

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Ebook Central DDA trial comes to an end

Over the last couple of months the Library has been running a trial of ‘Demand-driven Acquisition’ (DDA) on ProQuest’s Ebook Central platform.  This has enabled users to search for ebooks in Ebook Central via the Library’s Discover search tool, and make requests for the Library to purchase…

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Springer journal archives now available

The Library now provides access to two Springer journal archives:

Biomedical and Life Sciences (189 titles)
Medicine (159 titles)

Access is usually from Volume 1 of a title, and unless the title ceases before then, access stops in 1996.  Coverage in Biomedical and Life Sciences goes back to 1851, and…

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Changing Face of Keppel Street: Oral History Project

Changing Face of Keppel Street: Oral History Project

As part of the ‘Changing Face of Keppel Street’ exhibition, currently on display in the Keppel Street foyer, LSHTM staff members were interviewed to capture their recollections of their time at the School.

Edited versions of these interviews are available to view…

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