Dan Brown is in the Library!

Along with Forsyth, Mankell, Sting :-) and a few of your favourite fiction and other genre authors.
Why not pop over to our Bookswap area in the Library foyer and have a gander?
Take any book labelled “Bookswap” for as long as you want.
You can even donate any excess fiction…

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Who owns scientific knowledge?

Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

Article 27, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Fortunately for most, academic researchers don’t have to live off their royalties alone. Although there…

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“A standing invitation to the whole world”: how more open access facilitates progress in science

When the nineteenth-century philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote his essay On Liberty[i] in 1859, one of his main aims was to secure the right to freedom of speech, to demonstrate that the state should not attempt ‘to control the expression of opinion’. While today, at least in Western…

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Explore Your Archive: The Great War Bake Off – 2016

Do you believe baking is a piece of cake? Could you give Nadia Hussain a run for her money? Then the LSHTM Archives’ Great War Bake-Off wants you!

As part of Explore Your Archive week, which runs nationally November 19th – 27th, the Archives have delved into their Nutrition Collection…

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The Library Dungeon

Lurking in the bowels of the School, hidden to all but library and archives staff, is this place.

The Basement.

What lies behind this cage? What fiendish creatures fester beyond the wire?

These monsters!

PhD Theses published in the years 2000 to the current year
Print journals published in the…

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Collection of the Month: Macfie

Our collection of the month is that of Dr John William Scott Macfie (1879-1948), a Medical Officer with the Colonial Office who embarked on 8 tours of West Africa between 1910 and 1922. It was also during this time Macfie volunteered with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 1917…

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Open Access Week 2016: How “open” are we? Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases

Now in its ninth year, Open Access Week celebrates progress and promotes awareness to help make Open Access the norm in scholarship and research.

As part of the week’s activities we are sharing some info-graphics we’ve produced in the Library covering Open Access and publications.

The infographic…

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Open Access Week 2016: How “open” are we? Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health

Now in its ninth year, Open Access Week celebrates progress and promotes awareness to help make Open Access the norm in scholarship and research.

As part of the week’s activities we are sharing some info-graphics we’ve produced in the Library covering Open Access and publications.

The infographic…

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RCUK’s Open Access block grant 2016/2017

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has recently announced the amounts that it will be paying to institutions in the block grant to support the implementation of its open access policy.
This policy states that any research article or conference proceeding that is published and results from a RCUK funded grant should…

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Open Access Week 2016: How “open” are we? Faculty of Public Health and Policy

Now in its ninth year, Open Access Week celebrates progress and promotes awareness to help make Open Access the norm in scholarship and research.

As part of the week’s activities we are sharing some info-graphics we’ve produced in the Library covering Open Access and publications.

The infographic…

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