
Print journal stock check

Over the last three months library staff have been making the trip down to Egham and the University of London Depository Library (perhaps more familiarly known to Library users as the ‘Offsite Store’) to carry out a stock check of our print journals. The Offsite Store houses all the Library…

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Laying of the foundation stone at Keppel Street

Today, the London School of Tropical Medicine, marks the 89th year the school’s Foundation Stone was laid, using a custom made mallet and trowel, by future Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. It would be another three years until the school was officially opened by the H.R.H Prince of…

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Because there is no such thing as too many tote bags…

The rather divine LSHTM Library and Archives Services tote canvas bags are still available from the library enquiry desk for only £3.50!

If you’re curious about the design it was created by the British Mosquito Control Institute in 1927. The institute was set up by John Frederick Marshall…

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Sir Ronald Ross and the Hospitals for Indian Troops in England

In December 1914, Sir Ronald Ross, discoverer of the mosquito transmission of malaria, was appointed as the Consulting Physician in Tropical Diseases to the Hospitals for Indian Troops in England at a salary of £500 a year. This involved regularly visiting hospitals in Brighton, Bournemouth, Brockenhurst and Netley to treat…

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Update on the UK Medical Heritage Library digitisation project

Users of the central lift at Keppel Street may have met the librarian struggling with a trolley or box full of dusty old books using a key to the M (for mysterious) floor over the last 7 months. Well, that was me, and the books were the library’s Historical…

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Library Opening Hours 23 June 2015

The library will be closing at 4pm on Tuesday 23rd June 2015 for an Alumni event.

The Library will reopen as usual from 8.30am on Wednesday 24th June 2015…

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LAS Planning Day 16th June 2015

The Library will be closed on Tuesday 16th June to enable Library & Archives Service staff to attend the annual LAS Planning Day. Access to e-resources and online guidance will be available as usual via the LAS web pages at http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/library/index.html.


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Dr H McCormick Hanschell

In June 1915, the minutes of the London School of Tropical Medicine show that Dr H McCormick Hanschell was called up for service in the Navy and then embarked on a very interesting mission in East Africa.
Hanschell was born in Barbados and received his primary education in Bridgetown. He…

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Journals – have your say!

Want to let the Library know which journals are relevant to your needs?  Now is your chance!  From Monday 1st June to Friday 31st July you can participate by filling in a short questionnaire specific to your Faculty:

EPH: https://lshtm.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/las-eph-2015

ITD: https://lshtm…

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Library Opening Hours 12th May 2015

On Tuesday 12th May the Library will be closed between 3pm and 4.30pm for an LAS staff meeting. This will be the last planned temporary closure until after exams. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

We are conscious that the Library has closed for short periods to…

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