All posts tagged book chapters

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The LSHTM Library will be holding focus groups of service users to gather feedback on our Discover Library search tool (The Library catalogue).

Discover : The LSHTM library catalogue.

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Open Access Week 2016: Making monographs Open Access

Published research that appears as an article in a peer-reviewed journal which is also Open Access for everyone to be able to download and read is a fairly common occurrence these days. However what is less well know is for monographs or sections in a published book to be…

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A Tibetan doctor holding his family's medical texts (Theresia Hofer, Wellcome Images:

Update: Wellcome Trust open access policy for monographs & book chapters

The Wellcome Trust has extended its open access policy to include scholarly monographs and book chapters authored or co-authored by Trust grantholders that arise as part of their grant funded research.

As of today the extended policy applies to all grantholders who were awarded a grant before 1 October…

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Wellcome Trust & Open Access monographs and book chapters

Image caption: Monograph of the West Indian Beetles of the Family Strphylinidae by bionicteaching. License: some rights reserved_CC_BY_SA

Monographs and book chapters are a key part of academic publishing. This has been reflected in recent developments by bodies such as Wellcome Trust, JISC, HEFCE to tackle the issues surrounding making…

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