All posts tagged Library Resources

World Hepatitis Day 28th July 2022

The World Hepatitis Day is coordinated by the World Hepatitis Alliance and is one of several WHO global public health days that take place annually.

“World Hepatitis Day (WHD) takes place every year on 28 July bringing the world together under a single theme to raise awareness of the global…

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Capturing the Open Access status of some of the year’s research from LSHTM

In the name of Open Access Week 2017, we have had a look at some of the research produced by LSHTM researchers over the past year to see whether the content of research that is featured in blog posts and news articles is available to everyone and anyone to read…

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DOI 101

What is a DOI?

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string that is assigned to content in order to identify it and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet. This link is functional even if the URLs or services change over time and the resource…

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Open Access articles on the Ebola virus

With the help of crowd-sourcing a dataset of nearly 500 scientific articles covering Ebola has been created which identifies those that can be freely accessed, read and re-used in the fight against the virus outbreak.

Members of LSHTM Library (John Murtagh @LSHTMOpenAccess and Merinne Whitton @LSHTMLibrary) along with…

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First digitally-born e-thesis at LSHTM

A milestone has been reached with the School’s first ‘e-born’ thesis now available via LSHTM Research Online!

The thesis by Dr Alex Cook and entitled ‘Control of Salmonella infection in pigs at the farm level in Great Britain’ joins the many that have been digitised from paper copies…

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