All posts tagged LSHTM

Looking for Help with Your MSc Project?

Tackling your summer projects can be daunting. The library is here to support you every step of the way.  We currently have a new book display in the Reading Room at Keppel Street, focusing on several resources which can help you complete your Master’s dissertation with confidence.


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Eleanor Anne Ormerod (1828-1901) : agricultural entomologist and an early authority on insect pest control. LSHTM Library Blog No. 10. June 2024

From the seventeenth century, women have played a small but significant role in exploring the world of insects by listing, drawing, and collecting them. Some women have also observed and recorded the extraordinary life histories of insects. Eleanor Anne Ormerod (1828-1901) did all this before becoming the first woman…

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The Historical Collection: Cottage hospitals general, fever, and convalescent by Henry C. Burdett

Today, we will take a quick look at Henry C. Burdett’s book Cottage Hospitals General, Fever, and Convalescent. This book is part of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Library’s historical collection and can be found under the Barnard Classification Scheme classmark of SYBH (Cottage Hospitals…

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The Historical Collection: Small Pox and the debate over early vaccination

In this blogpost we take a look at a couple of books found in the Reece Collection, a collection of items largely on the topics of small pox and early vaccination once owned by Richard J Reece.

In the early 19th century, the advent of vaccination sparked intense debates within…

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Book Display: World Environment Day 2024

World Environment Day, observed annually on 5 June, serves as a global platform for raising awareness and prompting action for environmental protection. Established by the United Nations in 1973, this day has become one of the most significant global events dedicated to environmental advocacy, engaging individuals, communities, and governments in…

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An image of a cows head

Historical Collection: The Victorian meat market, tainted meat, and public health crisis—a look at W. Wylde’s The Inspection of Meat. 

This is a blog post about the book “The Inspection of Meat: A Guide and Instruction Book to Officers Supervising Contract-Meat and to All Sanitary Inspectors Embodying the Teaching Imparted to the Army Service Corps.” By W. Wylde. This item is part of the London School of Hygiene and…

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Research Online revealed: an in-depth look at repository usage

The LSHTM research repository, ‘Research Online’, currently contains 61,867 items, which were downloaded over 55,000 times in 2022-2023. But have you ever wondered exactly who is actually using it?

Well, look no further! We’ve broken down the numbers for an in-depth look at exactly what…

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1st April 1924: The Beginning of The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

On the 1st of April 1924 the School was granted its Royal Charter and it’s name was changed from the London School of Tropical Medicine to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.  

The School originally opened as the London School of Tropical Medicine on 2nd October 1899…

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Johann Gottfried Bremser’s early 19th century medical books on parasitic worms with hand-coloured plates. LSHTM Rare Books Blog Series No. 7. August 2023

The Austrian physician Johann Gottfried Bremser (1767-1827) was born in Wertheim am Main in present-day Germany. He studied medicine in Jena and Vienna where he obtained a licence to practice medicine in 1797. Bremser made a special study of parasitic worm infections in humans and travelled to Paris…

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Your Library needs you!

Have your say on the Library and get a £10 gift voucher!

The LSHTM Library will be holding focus groups of service users to gather feedback on our Discover Library search tool (The Library catalogue).

Discover : The LSHTM library catalogue.

We’d love for you to join us on one…

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