Happy Easter from the Archives!

Major Ronald Ross received this Easter greeting sent by Dr F Genovese in 1910 from the province of Caulonia, Calabria, Italy . Ross_168001

The postcard shows a group waiting to receive quinine treatment for malaria. Ross_168_01002


A second postcard from Genovese to Ross, shows  a bullock cart transporting Genovese and Professor Bartholemew Gosio (1863-1944)  who were setting up ambulatory malaria centres to improve the care of people suffering from malaria in the poverty-stricken region of Calabria. Hospital care for malaria sufferers was ineffective in this period, and the ambulatories proved more successful. Ross_168_02001

Gosio, physician, microbiologist, biochemist and Director of the Laboratory of Public Health in Rome 1899, is also known for discovering that a cause of arsenic poisoning was  due to the reaction of the metals in coloured wallpaper with high humidity.  Some researchers have even ascribed Napolean’s death in St Helena to this reason, although this is disputed.

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Happy Easter!