SEMINAR: Preventing harm with alcohol licensing: can we generate evidence from policy?

SPHR@L Seminar Series

NIHR School for Public Health Research @ LSHTM

‘Preventing harm with alcohol licensing: can we generate evidence from policy?’

Speaker: David Humphreys (University of Oxford)

Seminar abstract – D Humphreys

Seminar blog coming soon…

Date: Wednesday, 11th March 2015

Time: 17.15-18.30 – reception to follow

Venue: Room G9 (Faculty Meeting Room)
LSHTM, 15-17 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SH

To RSVP (or for more information) please email

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 The national School for Public Health Research is funded by the NHS National Institute for Health Research across eight university research centres in England to do work on the new public health system in local authorities.

SPHR@L is led by Mark Petticrew, Karen Lock and Matt Egan in the Public Health & Policy Faculty.

The aim of the work programme at LSHTM is to engage with local government stakeholders in the production of new evaluative research focussed on their evidence needs and appropriate to their decision-making processes, to improve action on the social determinants of health.

This series of seminars focuses on current issues in UK public health research and practice, and the role of research evidence in public policy.