DELTAS Africa SSACAB Financial Reporting Workshop

The two day workshop will be held on 23-24th January 2017 at the Sunnyside Park Hotel, Johannesburg in South Africa. The aim is to familiarise finance managers from partner institutions with the reporting structures and grant conditions of AESA/Wellcome Trust. It builds on previous training conducted by AESA/Wellcome Trust to all DELTAS Africa funded consortia.
The meeting will be attended by all the finance managers from the partner universities and research institutions that form part of the Sub-Saharan African Consortium for Advanced Biostatistics (SSACAB) training programme. SSACAB is one of the largest consortium with twenty African and northern institutions and, as such, these meetings are critical for timely financial reporting and continual awareness of requirements. It is envisaged that at the end of the meeting all partner institutions will have their financial reports ready for consolidation and submission.
For more information about the workshop, contact, Programme administrator, Mrs Gloria Bowes: