6-9th April was spent at the University of Cambridge attending the British Society for Parasitology annual meeting, including the Tryp-Leish symposium. Thanks to Mark Field (and colleagues) for organising a great meeting – his final act in Cambridge before packing up his lab and moving to the University of Dundee!
There were many great talks, but highlights included the latest findings from Federico Rojas (Keith Matthews, University of Edinburgh) on bloodstream-form T. brucei differentiation (SIF receptor, anybody?), and Lucy Glover’s talk on VEX1, a significant player in the regulation of antigenic variation in T. brucei (David Horn, University of Dundee). Mike Barrett’s CA Wright medal talk (drug resistance and modes of action) and the plenary talks by Keith Gull (trypanosome cell biology) and David Roos (apicomplexan cell biology) were also fascinating.
Finally, the meeting provided a great opportunity to talk science and catch up with friends over a beer or two in a great setting.