Thanks to Pascal Maser (SwissTPH) for inviting me to present our latest apoL1 and anti-leishmanial drug RNAi library findings at the 2017 SwissTryp meeting in Leysin, Switzerland (11th-13th January, 2017). It was a great opportunity to hear about some of the great trypanosomatid research going on in Switzerland – social motility, mitchondrial biology, drug resistance, lipid metabolism and gene expression regulation, to name just a few areas that were addressed during the two day programme.
Trypanosomatid Biology
Trypanosomatid labs - International
- Alena Zíková
- Bibo Li
- Christian Janzen
- Christian Tschudi
- Christine Clayton
- Derrick Robinson
- Doris Rentsch
- Etienne Pays
- Eva Gluenz
- Frederic Bringaud
- George Cross
- Gerald Spaeth
- Isabel Roditi
- Jay Bangs
- Jayne Raper
- Jean-Claude Dujardin
- Julius Lukeš
- Ken Stuart
- Kent Hill
- Klaus Ersfeld
- Kojo Mensah-Wilmot
- Lucy Glover
- Luísa Figueiredo
- Luise Krauth-Siegel
- Marilyn Parsons
- Markus Engstler
- Megan Povelones
- Mélanie Bonhivers
- Michael Boshart
- Michael Duszenko
- Michael Pollastri
- Michelle Klingbeil
- Miguel Navarro
- Minu Chaudhuri
- Nicolai Siegel
- Noreen Williams
- Pascal Maser
- Patrick Bastien
- Peter Bütikofer
- Peter Myler
- Philippe Bastin
- Robert Jensen
- Roberto Docampo
- Stephen Beverley
- Stephen Hajduk
- Susanne Kramer
- Torsten Ochsenreiter
- Vicky Avery
- Vivian Bellofatto
- Yvon Sterkers
- Ziyin Li
Trypanosomatid labs - UK
- Achim Schnaufer
- Alan Fairlamb
- Alvaro Acosta Serrano
- Annette MacLeod
- Bill Wickstead
- Bungo Akiyoshi
- Catarina Gadelha
- David Horn
- Ed Louis
- Gloria Rudenko
- Harry de Koning
- Jeremy Mottram
- John Kelly
- Karen Grant
- Keith Gull
- Keith Matthews
- Kevin Tyler
- Liam Morrison
- Mark Carrington
- Mark Field
- Martin Llewellyn
- Matt Berriman
- Michael Barrett
- Michael Ferguson
- Michael Ginger
- Mick Urbaniak
- Paul Capewell
- Paul McKean
- Paula MacGregor
- Pegine Walrad
- Richard McCulloch
- Samuel Dean
- Sue Vaughan
- Sue Welburn
- Tansy Hammarton
- Terry Smith
- Wendy Gibson