The Library and students at LSHTM.

LSHTM Library update: Borrow books from 8 November!

We’re delighted to announce that from Monday 8 November all LSHTM students and staff will be able to browse and borrow books from the Library. There will also no longer be a need to reserve a study space in advance. All you will need to access the Library and our extensive collection is your LSHTM ID card. (Students who have not yet received an ID card during week beginning 8 November will be able to borrow materials using any current, valid photo ID card, in conjunction with their LSHTM ID number.)

Our opening hours from the week beginning 8 November until the Christmas break (starting 23 December) will be 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.

We will continue to keep in close contact with the LSHTM COVID-19 Operations, Impact & Planning team to ensure we can keep our facilities open safely. All students and staff are expected to abide by the current COVID guidance, as detailed on LSHTM’s intranet Safety pages: Safety COVID-19 (LSHTM intranet)

Amnesty for research students and staff

We are aware some staff and research staff who still have unreturned Library items from before the pandemic hit in March 2020. If you have any LSHTM items still in your possession, please return these as soon as you can. We are operating an amnesty on these books until the end of 2021 and you will not be charged for any overdue materials.

Thank you for your patience!

We appreciate everyone’s understanding whilst the collection has been unavailable. It’s been frustrating for us too but we’ve been making the most of the opportunity to update the collection during this time, including work to decolonise our classification system. You can read all about this here: Decolonial practice for library collections, part 1 – Library & Archives Service blog (

You will also find information on how to find materials in our physical LSHTM Library on our Moodle pages: Library Archive & Open Research Services (

We hope to see you soon and do get in touch in the meantime with any questions – you’ll find our contact details here: Library, Archive & Open Research Service – contact details

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