The Library is celebrating twenty years of the Centre for History in Public Health with a book display, highlighting a number of items in the library collection which focus on subjects around health history and public health history.
The Centre was formed in 2003, but has its origins in late 1980s, initially forming as the AIDS Social History Programme and then expanding into other areas of public health history during the 1990s. The Centre is at the forefront of public health history research in the UK.
“Historical research is of central relevance to an understanding of public health in the present. Current developments cannot be understood without a knowledge of the past.” (CHiPH website).

The Centre’s research largely focuses on 20th and 21st century history, and has been involved with a lot of research in the area including HIV, Covid, charity and smoking. More information can be found here: It is also important to highlight the great outreach work the Centre is involved with, to help educate the public and improve awareness of issues. Including exhibitions, walks and film screenings.
Hopefully a book on display may peak your interest, they can all be loaned out by students, staff and library members and here’s to the next twenty years of the Centre for History in Public Health.

More books and other items in and around the topic of public health history can be found under several shelf marks: SO.D (Public Health History), D (History of Medicine) and you may also find items under more specialist areas GFW (smoking, tobacco etc), KM (AIDS/HIV).