All posts by Jennifer Domingo

UN Logo

United Nations Day

24th October is United Nations Day.

Founded in 1945 to promote world peace and stability, the UN has since widened its remit to promote issues such as human rights, economic development and humanitarian assistance, and environmental and climate issues. In its 80 year history so far, the UN has won…

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Relationship goals

World Sexual Health Day

4th September is World Sexual Health Day instigated by the World Association of Sexual Health (WAS). The theme for this day is “Positive Relationships”.   

Building positive relationships with yourself, your partner, your community and health care providers, your friends and family fosters healthy and meaningful connections that…

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World Hepatitis Day – 28 July

Symptoms of Hepatitis B Infographic illustration [Image by brgfx on Freepik]

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver. It is “most commonly transmitted from mother to child during birth and delivery as well as through contact with blood or other body fluids during sex with an infected…

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A personal story to mark Mental Health Week, 15 – 21 May 2023.

Photo by Eugene Golovesov on Unsplash

When my sister died over the Christmas period last year, I was left with a sense of guilt at the memory of our last encounters. She had asked constantly for me to accompany her to the theatre to watch The Lion King, and I…

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April is Stress Awareness Month

As we enter April and look forward to an Easter break, it is worth noting that this month is Stress Awareness Month.

Stress “can influence our physical and psychological health, or more simply, too much stress can make you ill.” (1)

It is important to recognise when everyday stresses build…

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Your well-being: a quick guide

What is well-being? According to Cambridge Dictionary, well-being is defined as “the state of feeling healthy and happy”. Why is well-being important? For the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, well-being is a “a positive outcome that is meaningful for people and for many sectors of…

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Tis burning

Cystitis – tis a nasty inflammation

When you pee, tis a burning sensation

Please do not desist, to the Chemist forthwith!

But if the pain persists

Despite medical reliefs

To the GP, begone!

Your pee tested, anon

Warrant further investigation

A prescription, henceforth

For antibiotic intervention


Tis a urinary tract…

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A pause for menopause

(Meno)Pause for thought

Embrace this time of life, ladies
Embrace it with fear, trepidation, elation
Embrace it anyway cos it ain’t going away.
Embrace it cos it’s coming your way.

Here are some stuff about it.

LSHTM username and password required:
Nelson, H (2008) “Menopause…

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Dan Brown is in the Library!

Along with Forsyth, Mankell, Sting :-) and a few of your favourite fiction and other genre authors.
Why not pop over to our Bookswap area in the Library foyer and have a gander?
Take any book labelled “Bookswap” for as long as you want.
You can even donate any excess fiction…

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The Library Dungeon

Lurking in the bowels of the School, hidden to all but library and archives staff, is this place.

The Basement.

What lies behind this cage? What fiendish creatures fester beyond the wire?

These monsters!

PhD Theses published in the years 2000 to the current year
Print journals published in the…

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