All posts in Archives

Open House London 2015

Open House weekend is on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 September. This annual event celebrates the capital’s architecture and aims to open up London’s great buildings, especially those that aren’t usually publicly accessible, to a wider audience. Participating provides a great opportunity to raise awareness of the…

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William Balfour’s Observations on Adhesion

It would be amiss for us not to write about some of the exotic titles in the Library and Archive Service’s Rare Book collection. Many of these unique works need care and conservation to restore them to their original condition. In our quest to highlight our special collections, we…

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Ross in Alexandria

In July 1915, Sir Ronald Ross was appointed Consulting Physician on Tropical Diseases and was sent to Alexandria in Egypt for four months to research disease among the troops in the Dardanelles. In his report at the end of his service, he states that on visiting seven large hospitals in…

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Laying of the foundation stone at Keppel Street

Today, the London School of Tropical Medicine, marks the 89th year the school’s Foundation Stone was laid, using a custom made mallet and trowel, by future Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. It would be another three years until the school was officially opened by the H.R.H Prince of…

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Sir Ronald Ross and the Hospitals for Indian Troops in England

In December 1914, Sir Ronald Ross, discoverer of the mosquito transmission of malaria, was appointed as the Consulting Physician in Tropical Diseases to the Hospitals for Indian Troops in England at a salary of £500 a year. This involved regularly visiting hospitals in Brighton, Bournemouth, Brockenhurst and Netley to treat…

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Dr H McCormick Hanschell

In June 1915, the minutes of the London School of Tropical Medicine show that Dr H McCormick Hanschell was called up for service in the Navy and then embarked on a very interesting mission in East Africa.
Hanschell was born in Barbados and received his primary education in Bridgetown. He…

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Wellcome Trust Research Bursaries for archive researchers

The Wellcome Trust recently announced a new scheme for small and medium-scale research projects based on archive collections that have received previous Research Resources funding. This is great news for the LSHTM archives as we have previously received four of these grants which have helped us to increase access…

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Sir Ronald Ross and the Gallipoli Campaign

Researched and written by Ian Walden, Archive volunteer.

As we commemorate the centenary of the Gallipoli campaign, the School’s archives remind us that in warfare, the doctor’s struggle to understand and combat disease is as significant as the general’s strategy and the soldier’s courage.

The campaign…

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Anniversary of Sir Patrick Manson: 3 Oct 1844 – 9 April 1922

Sir Patrick Manson, founder of the London School of Tropical Medicine,  died 93 years ago today.

Manson, known as the father of modern tropical medicine, studied medicine at Aberdeen University, passing M.B. and C.M. in 1865.

In 1866 he became a  medical officer in Formosa (Taiwan) for the…

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Happy Easter from the Archives

This leaflet is from a series of seasonal recipes published by the Ministry of Food during the period of food rationing in Britain during and following the Second World War.

This and many other Ministry of Food leaflets are available to view in the LSHTM Archives as part of the…

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