All posts in Archives

Christmas recipes in the Archives

I do enjoy baking at this time of year (the ginger biscuits I baked for the Library & Archives team disappeared pretty quickly) so I might take my inspiration from some of the Christmas recipes in our Nutrition collection:


This leaflet, published in December 1945, is from a series…

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Who was reading ‘How to Have Sex in an Epidemic’?

Judith Lloyd-Jones

In 1983 Michael Callen and Robert Berkowitz wrote the ground breaking pamphlet ‘How to Have Sex in an Epidemic: One Approach’. It came at a time when American was gripped with panic of the new, little understood, acquired immune deficiency syndrome; AIDS. At the time there were…

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A few highlighted items from the LSHTM HIV/AIDS archive collections

As the HIV/AIDS archive cataloguing project enters it’s final month, I thought I should reflect on a few of the records that have caught my attention over the past 17 months. This is not a definitive list and regret that I do not have space to fully convey…

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Red Ribbon pendant

Here is another item that is currently on show in our exhibition entitled HIV/AIDS: Controlling and eradicating a modern epidemic. This item was donated by Lyn Rothman, the founder of AIDS Crisis Trust and current patron and board member of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. She kindly offered to…

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AIDS Social History Programme collection

The Archives Service is coming to the end of the project to catalogue, preserve and make accessible the HIV/AIDS collections held at the School. This project is funded by the Wellcome Trust through their Research Resources in Medical History programme. The original project was to catalogue six collections which…

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World AIDS Day – collectable cards

To mark World AIDS Day, the Archives team are selecting their favourite items which are currently on show in the HIV/AIDS: Controlling and eradicating an epidemic exhibition, more information at:

I have chosen…

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Work Experience at the LSHTM Archives: Great War Bake Off and Other Projects

By Louise Woof

I have been fortunate enough to be able to spend two weeks at the archive, learning the role of an archivist and undertaking various projects from listing AIDS research papers to setting up displays for the Great War Bake Off. Here is a brief glimpse of a…

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Ross and colleagues in Alexandria, 1915

Dysentery in WW1

Last week, an article was published in the Lancet by a team from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, regarding using a bacterial sample from a World War I soldier to uncover useful new information about dysentery, a disease that kills hundreds…

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Anzac Biscuits

In preparation for the Great War Bake Off, I have made Anzac Biscuits. These biscuits were popular with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). It was said that wives and girlfriends sent these cookies to their husbands and boyfriends as the ingredients didn’t spoil and would therefore…

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Remembrance Day : The louse bowed to neither Kaiser nor King

We commemorate this First World War centenary and Remembrance Day with Justin Hopper’s prose poem to this tiny but virulent scourge of the trenches, one of the gilded vectors on the School’s Keppel Street facade.

Others took their place their place : with extracts from the journals of servicemen…

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