All posts in Archives

LSHTM & The NHS: 70 years of Involvement

Today, the nation is celebrating 70 years of the National Health Service. In 1948, leaflets were sent to households throughout England and Wales promising medical care for, ‘Everyone – rich or poor, man, woman, or child – can use it…it will relieve your money worries in times of illness’, a core…

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Documenting a Crisis: AIDS campaign archives

LSHTM Archives at the AIDS Histories and Cultures Festival 2018

On Monday 2nd July, the Archives Service took part in the Beat the Bugs event at the Royal College of Nursing. This was one of the first events of the AIDS Histories and Cultures Festival 2018. The festival aims to…

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Work Experience

Ella O’Shaughnessy has just completed a work experience placement with the Library & Archives Service. She wrote a blog post about her experience:

Between Monday 18th and Thursday 21st June I was given the opportunity to do work experience in the Library and Archives of LSHTM. It has been…

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Collection of the Month for June – Buxton

This month’s colelction of the month is the Buxton collection, who was an entomologist, to celebrate of the upcoming National Insect Week

Patrick Alfred Buxton was born 1892, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. While he was at Cambridge, the physiologist Walter Fletcher encouraged…

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International Clinical Trials day

May 20th is International Clinical Trials day, and so today we celebrate the work of Sir Austin Bradford Hill – a pioneer in clinical trials.

Sir Austin Bradford Hill is best known for his work with Sir Richard Doll on the carcinogenic effects of smoking and on the use of randomisation…

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Collection of the Month for May – Whitehall Study

In honour of the birth of Donald Reid (May 6th), this month’s collection of the month is the recently catalogued Whitehall Study.

The Whitehall Study, led by Professor Donald Reid (1914-1977) and Dr Geoffrey Rose (1926-1993), was designed to detect early risk factors in cardiovascular and respiratory…

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Happy Easter from LSHTM Archives!

Indulgence is often associated with Easter where gourmet chocolate eggs and succulent lamb roast dinners are enjoyed. But what Easter recipes did people have during the Second World War when rations were tight?

The Ministry of Food published recipes to help people effectively use their limited rations, this included a…

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World TB Day – March 24 2018

March 24th is World TB Day. World TB Day was designed to bring public awareness to what is still considered an epidemic in much of the world and was chosen to be on this date to commemorate the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced he had discovered the…

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49th Session Oct-Dec 1915

The history of suffrage and the impact of women in LSHTM archival collections‘

By Alison Forsey

On February 6th 1918 the Representation of the People Act; legislation that allowed all men and some women to vote was put into law. Although it should be noted that not all women were granted the right to vote, this did not occur until over a decade…

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Sir Ronald Ross and the Château Renault

December 14th 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the torpedo sinking of the French Cruiser Château Renault. The Château Renault was sunk by a German U-boat en route to Greece with Sir Ronald Ross on board.


The Château Renault was used in the first World…

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