All posts in Archives

Collection of the Month for May – Whitehall Study

In honour of the birth of Donald Reid (May 6th), this month’s collection of the month is the recently catalogued Whitehall Study.

The Whitehall Study, led by Professor Donald Reid (1914-1977) and Dr Geoffrey Rose (1926-1993), was designed to detect early risk factors in cardiovascular and respiratory…

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Happy Easter from LSHTM Archives!

Indulgence is often associated with Easter where gourmet chocolate eggs and succulent lamb roast dinners are enjoyed. But what Easter recipes did people have during the Second World War when rations were tight?

The Ministry of Food published recipes to help people effectively use their limited rations, this included a…

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World TB Day – March 24 2018

March 24th is World TB Day. World TB Day was designed to bring public awareness to what is still considered an epidemic in much of the world and was chosen to be on this date to commemorate the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced he had discovered the…

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49th Session Oct-Dec 1915

The history of suffrage and the impact of women in LSHTM archival collections‘

By Alison Forsey

On February 6th 1918 the Representation of the People Act; legislation that allowed all men and some women to vote was put into law. Although it should be noted that not all women were granted the right to vote, this did not occur until over a decade…

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Sir Ronald Ross and the Château Renault

December 14th 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the torpedo sinking of the French Cruiser Château Renault. The Château Renault was sunk by a German U-boat en route to Greece with Sir Ronald Ross on board.


The Château Renault was used in the first World…

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World AIDS Day 2017: HIV/AIDS Archives Collection

Today is World AIDS, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic, and to commemorate all those who have fallen victim to the disease. The LSHTM Archives have a number of collections that focus on HIV/AIDS, whether it’s documenting the disease or the work of those…

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Accreditation award for the Archives Service

Good news from the LSHTM Archives Service – we have been awarded accreditation.

Accredited Archive Services ensure the long-term collection, preservation and accessibility of our archive heritage. Accreditation is the UK quality standard which recognises good performance in all areas of archive service delivery. Achieving accredited status demonstrates that the…

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LSHTM and The Great War

This Saturday is Armistice Day, a day where we remember those who fought and died in the First World War. Many of the staff and students of the School joined the war effort and to commemorate their efforts, the Library & Archives Service has created an exhibition – on display in…

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The Great War Bake Off 2017

Are your baking skills the best thing since sliced bread? Do you knead a reason to bake? Well doughnut stress the Great War Bake Off wants you!

As part of Explore Your Archive week, which runs nationally November 18th – 26th, the Archives have delved into their Nutrition Collection and selected…

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Class of 1917

As we welcome the students of 2017 to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, it seems appropriate that we reflect on the students who attended 100 years ago, the class of 1917.


At this time the School was part of the Seaman’s Hospital Society and was…

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