All posts in Books

Library Inductions 2021/22 poster showing the main Library Reading Room in the background. The text says "Bookable sessions are available during Week 1: 27 September - 1 October"

Library inductions for new students 2021/22 – Welcome to LSHTM!

Library Inductions for new students.

A very warm welcome to all our new students!

We recognise there is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during Welcome Week. If you do find yourself with a free moment though, please feel free to contact the Library (library@lshtm…

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Barnard 3.0 – Updating the library collection: a look at the pamphlets

With the update to the Barnard Classification Scheme completed, thousands of physical items in the library collection have had classmarks changed. Updating items on the records management system and the physical items in the main collection, the basement and the pamphlet collection in the gallery. Rather the large and daunting…

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Decolonial practice for library collections, part 2

The Library uses the Barnard Classification Scheme to organise print resources into subject-related categories.  Cyril Barnard was the School’s first professional librarian, and he wrote his A classification for medical and veterinary libraries in 1936, amended in 1955.  There was an urgent need to update the…

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Decolonial practice for library collections, part 1

University library collections support the teaching and research demands placed by the organisation in which they are embedded.  Not only are resources in collections dominated by thought and knowledge creation of the global north, but several library practices contribute to this colonial bias. The nature of library collections has…

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Henry Vandyke Carter (1831-1897): LSHTM Rare Books blog series No. 1

HENRY VANDYKE CARTER (1831-1897) : author of On Leprosy and Elephantiasis,  and the artist for Gray’s Anatomy. 

Gray’s Anatomy is a classic medical textbook, used by doctors, anatomists and medical artists.  Yet, despite Henry Gray’s (1826/27-1861) scholarly text running to 720 pages…

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Library Inductions for new students: welcome to our Library services

Library Inductions for new students.Welcome to all our new students! We look forward to supporting you in your studies this year.There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during Welcome week. When you have time, please feel free to contact the Library (library@lshtm…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 7

And here it is, the final instalment of our alternative guide to the Library’s Barnard classification scheme. We hope you’ve enjoyed this light-hearted look at what our scheme covers, subjects that may be of interest, and a new appreciation for the humble stick figure.

This post covers…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 6

The penultimate part of the alternative guide is here. In this post we illustrate classes UR-Y, showing some of the subjects covered by the Library’s Barnard classification scheme.

Classes UR-Y: UR, Integumentary System; US, Urology; UT, Sexology; UU, Male Reproductive System; UV, Female Reproductive System, Gynaecology; UW…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 5

Another weekend of lockdown, another weekend of drawing stick figures to illustrate some of the content covered by the Barnard classification scheme. This week we have a look at classes T-UQ. Class U covers the specialties of medicine, and is subdivided into smaller classes.

Classes T-UQ: T, Medical…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 4

The fourth instalment of the Library’s alternative guide to the classification scheme which we use to place books and resources into subject categories on the shelves is here.

This week we look at classes P-S: P, Pathology and Haematology; Q, Diagnosis and Clinical Medicine; R, Materia Medica, Pharmacy…

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