All posts in Open Access

Wellcome Open Access policy and non-compliance – the sanctions

Sanctions could be as much as 10% of the value of the grant

The Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) is a partnership between Arthritis Research UK, Breast Cancer Now, the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Bloodwise, Parkinson’s UK and the Wellcome Trust and those researchers funded by them…

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Increased RCUK block grant for 2015/2016

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has recently announced the amounts that it will be paying to institutions in the block grant to support the implementation of its open access policy. Since April 2013 the grant to universities and eligible research organisations has been used to cover the cost of article processing…

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Funding Open Access for Post-Grant FP7 Publications

A pilot will be launched in spring 2015 which will provide funding to cover all or part of the post-grant open access publishing costs associated with projects funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

This pilot is necessary as opportunities to publish often occur near the end of a…

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Top 5 downloaded papers from LSHTM Research Online – December 2014


Image caption: LSHTM Research Online statistics info-graphic for December 2014.


Last month LSHTM Research Online had over 22,200 full text papers downloaded. The top three downloading countries last month were Germany, US and UK.  Below are the top five downloaded papers for December:

Kinoti, G; (1966…

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Top 5 downloaded papers from LSHTM Research Online – November 2014

Image caption: LSHTM Research Online statistics info-graphic for November 2014. Info-graphics are created monthly and can be download from LSHTM Research Online.

Last month LSHTM Research Online had over 27, 500 full text papers downloaded. The top three downloading countries last month were Germany, US and China.  Below…

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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation go Open Access

As of January 1, 2015 an Open Access policy will be effective for all new funding agreements made with researchers. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have adopted an Open Access policy that enables the unrestricted access and reuse of all peer-reviewed published research funded, in whole or in part, by the foundation, including any underlying data sets. During a two-year transition period, publishers will be permitted to apply up to a 12 month embargo period on the accessibility of the publication and its underlying data sets. This embargo period will no longer be allowed after January 1, 2017.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation by Maia Weinstock

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation by Maia Weinstock (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

The Open Access policy contains the following elements: Read more

Finis: Open Access Publishing with BioMed Central (BMC)

UPDATE (January 2015)
The School has decided not to renew its Supporter Membership with BMC which means the 15% discount and instant payment option for researchers is no longer available.

If you wish to pay for an APC for Open Access with BMC please follow the instructions on our OA…

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Open Access articles on the Ebola virus

With the help of crowd-sourcing a dataset of nearly 500 scientific articles covering Ebola has been created which identifies those that can be freely accessed, read and re-used in the fight against the virus outbreak.

Members of LSHTM Library (John Murtagh @LSHTMOpenAccess and Merinne Whitton @LSHTMLibrary) along with…

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