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400th Freedom of Information request received

This morning the 400th FOI request was received by the School so I thought that this was worth commenting on. The Freedom of Information Act was brought into force in 2005 with the aim of making public authorities more transparent. It gives the public the right to access information held…

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Last week to enter the Photo Competition

With the deadline of Friday 28th February fast approaching, you have one week left to send in your photographs to this year’s Photo Competition.

There are three cash prizes to be won, and the winning entry will appear on the School’s website and Chariot news blog. Previous winning…

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SciELO now available in the Web of Science

Thomson Reuters announced today that SciELO is now available via the Web of Science.

SciELO is an open access database, providing links to articles from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, Portugal and South Africa. These cover a range of health, agriculture and social sciences subjects.

To search SciELO, login to…

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Love in the Archives


To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we are focussing on our most romantic item in the collection – the Carpenter diary. This is a joint diary between a married couple, Geoffrey and Amy Carpenter, who lived and worked in Uganda in the 1920s researching sleeping sickness. Read more

In the SHT

Mark (the librarian) looked up from a pile of pamphlets on nutrition and water supply and mused “why are these ‘bex-ee’ (BEXY) and ‘sez-ee’ (SEZY)?” As a young twenty something with (mostly) one thing on his mind he was no doubt hoping there would be books bearing the…

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Top 5 downloaded papers from LSHTM Research Online – January 2014

Image caption: Push down and turn by mag3737. License: some rights reserved CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
LSHTM Research Online kicked started the New Year with another month of high downloads. In January nearly 17, 000 full text papers were downloaded from the site, with China, Germany and the…

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Spotlight on the Library’s Report Series Collection

One day last week, for a bit of light relief from staring at my computer screen, I decided to browse through some of the volumes from the Library’s Report Series Collection.

I was flicking through some pages of the ‘Report on the Work of the School’ for 1931/32…

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Family History Mystery

Christine Rooke, who lives in Norfolk, was keen to learn more about her father, Leopold Abram. He was born on December 8th 1913 and grew up in Plumstead, South London. Chrisitne was born in 1947, and her father sadly died of cancer at the age of 46.  As 2013 was…

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Leprosy collections in the Archives

To support World Leprosy Day on 26 January, we thought that we would highlight some of the collections that contain material on leprosy.

We hold one file of papers of Stanley George Browne, (1907-1986). These reflect his work and interest in the field of leprology and contain manuscripts and…

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Drop-In Session: Open Access/Copyright/E-Theses – Monday 27th January 2-3pm


We will be in the canteen at Tavistock Place on Monday 27th January 2-3pm to answer any queries you may have on open acces publishing, meeting RCUK, Wellcome funder requirements, covering open access fees, predatory publishers, complying with copyright laws, using images, videos in your work or teaching…

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