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History and politics of vaccination

Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) : LSHTM Rare Books Blog series No. 2

Figure 1: Portrait of A.R. Wallace

ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE (1823-1913) : British naturalist, humanist, geographer, social critic… and anti-vaccination activist(!)

Alfred Russel Wallace was one of the founders of evolutionary biology. In 1858 he and Charles Darwin jointly proposed a theory for the process of evolution by natural…

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Library Display: Books for study and well-being

Starting a new postgraduate can be daunting at the best of times, but starting during a pandemic when so much uncertainty is in the air, when you may not have been able to meet in person your course mates, lecturers or even set foot on campus… Well, it’s difficult…

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Book of the month. (1): Imperial medicine : Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease

Book of the month. No.1: November 2021

Imperial medicine : Patrick Manson and the conquest of tropical disease / Douglas M. Haynes – Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. Shelf mark: DY (MAN). Follow link for e-book version (LSHTM staff and students only)

This biography of Patrick Manson¹ looks at his…

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The Library and students at LSHTM.

LSHTM Library update: Borrow books from 8 November!

We’re delighted to announce that from Monday 8 November all LSHTM students and staff will be able to browse and borrow books from the Library. There will also no longer be a need to reserve a study space in advance. All you will need to access the Library and…

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Class of 1921

As we welcome new students to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, it seems appropriate that we reflect on the students who attended 100 years ago, the class of 1921. Unfortunately, we do not have a photo of this session which we do for some other years.


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Barnard 3.0 – Updating the library collection: a look at the pamphlets

With the update to the Barnard Classification Scheme completed, thousands of physical items in the library collection have had classmarks changed. Updating items on the records management system and the physical items in the main collection, the basement and the pamphlet collection in the gallery. Rather the large and daunting…

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Your chance to have your say!

We’re seeking your feedback on how we’ve been doing during this academic year. If you’re a student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) should have received an email from the Library asking you three questions:

Overall how satisfied are you with the LSHTM…

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Decolonising the Archive: Creative response to Roads to Africa film

By Lioba Hirsch, Research Fellow, Faculty of Department of Public Health, Environments and Society, LSHTM, with poem by Parise Carmichael-Murphy

The LSHTM Archives contain a multitude of documents and materials, which reflect the white gaze. Working in the archives, and especially when researching the school’s work during British…

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My copy of Barnard with annonations

30 years ago ..

I finished washing up my side plate, spoon and cereal bowl and replaced them carefully in “my” cupboard in the shared kitchen. I went down the corridor to my bedsit room, the front downstairs room, shielded from the street by net curtains, and collected my bag. It was a Wednesday…

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eJournals – making the most of online journal platforms

The pandemic has meant a lot of changes with how the Library is delivering its collections service for staff and students. With all courses currently being taught online, and the inability to access the physical collection, this has meant a sharp increase in access to electronic journals.

The library now…

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