June bank holiday opening

The Library will be open on both bank holidays in June, operating slightly reduced hours. Our reading rooms will be available for study 11am-8pm on both Thursday 2 June and Friday 3 June and we’ll be around to answer your questions online too. Get in touch at library…

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John Lane collection

By Alia Carter, UCL Placement Student

As part of my MA Archives and Records Management course at UCL I have been fortunate enough to spend two weeks at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. I was particularly interested in working with the School as I have an interest…

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May 28th 2022 is World Hunger Day

World Hunger Day was founded by the Hunger Project in 2011 to call attention to the global food crisis. On May 28th each year the Hunger Project invites us as global citizens to highlight sustainable solutions to world hunger and declare our own role in making a hunger-free planet…

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Under the lens : London’s water examined in the 1853-4 cholera pandemic. LSHTM Rare Books Blog series No. 4. May 2022.

Figure 1:  Colourful organisms in a sample of the water supplied by the Southwark & Vauxhall Company to St. Thomas’s Hospital in 1854 as seen under the microscope (Hassall 1855a : page 248, Plate 19).

This illustration of a microcosm of the natural world in London’s water in…

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Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

9-15 May 2022 is Mental Health Awareness Week.This year the theme is loneliness. One in four adults feel lonely some or all of the time, and the longer people feel lonely the more they are at risk of mental health problems. The Mental Health Foundation is raising awareness…

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literature searching refresher sessions image

Effective Literature Searching: ‘refresher’ training sessions for MSc students – booking now available.

These take place on: Tuesday 17th May 09:00 to 11:00Wednesday 18th May 15:30 to 17:30Thursday 19th May 13:00 to 15:00

Monday 27th June 13:00 to 15:00Tuesday 28th June 09:00 to 11:00Wednesday 29th June 15:30 to 17:30Thursday 30th June…

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World Malaria Day 2022: Monday 25 April

The theme of World Malaria Day 2022 is: “Harness innovation to reduce the malaria burden and save lives.” The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that no single tool available today will solve the problem and is calling for significant investment and a multi-sector approach.

In 2020 there were an…

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Summer term updates from Keppel Street

Good luck to all LSHTM students, researchers and staff this term. Based on feedback we’ve received from our Library users so far this year, we’ve made some important changes to our physical Library services this term:

Evening opening

We’re pleased to announce that the Library is now…

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April is Stress Awareness Month

As we enter April and look forward to an Easter break, it is worth noting that this month is Stress Awareness Month.

Stress “can influence our physical and psychological health, or more simply, too much stress can make you ill.” (1)

It is important to recognise when everyday stresses build…

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The history of tuberculosis, cover of book "The greatest story never told"

World Tuberculosis Day. 24 March 2022

World Tuberculosis Day is held on the 24 March each year to raise awareness of the public health impact of this disease. On this date in 1882, Robert Koch announced he had discovered the bacterium that causes TB, which opened a way towards diagnosis and cure.

This year’s theme…

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