An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 6

The penultimate part of the alternative guide is here. In this post we illustrate classes UR-Y, showing some of the subjects covered by the Library’s Barnard classification scheme.

Classes UR-Y: UR, Integumentary System; US, Urology; UT, Sexology; UU, Male Reproductive System; UV, Female Reproductive System, Gynaecology; UW…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 5

Another weekend of lockdown, another weekend of drawing stick figures to illustrate some of the content covered by the Barnard classification scheme. This week we have a look at classes T-UQ. Class U covers the specialties of medicine, and is subdivided into smaller classes.

Classes T-UQ: T, Medical…

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Decolonising the Archive: the Carpenter Diary

Within the LSHTM archives we have begun to re-examine the way we work, the stories we tell and the role we can play in promoting different versions of history. This has been inspired by the ongoing work of Lioba Hirsch, an LSHTM history research fellow working on a project…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 4

The fourth instalment of the Library’s alternative guide to the classification scheme which we use to place books and resources into subject categories on the shelves is here.

This week we look at classes P-S: P, Pathology and Haematology; Q, Diagnosis and Clinical Medicine; R, Materia Medica, Pharmacy…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 3

Here is the third instalment of the Library’s alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme, used to arrange books and resources into subject categories on the shelves.

This week we look at Classes K-O: K, Virology; L, Parasitology; M, Helminthology; N, Medical Entomology; O, Transmission of Communicable Diseases…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme: part 2

Following on from last week’s post here is the second instalment of the Library’s alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme which is used to arrange books and resources into categories on the shelves.

This instalment covers Classes F-J: F, Aetiology, unclassified diseases, effects of physical agents…

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Staff volunteering project

In January 2020, the LSHTM Archives Service ran three sessions during the School’s Wellbeing fortnight. This is an opportunity for staff to participate in activities that promote their wellbeing at work such as yoga, mindfulness and learning new skills. The idea for these sessions came from a conversation with…

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Opening of London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

On this day in 1924, the School became the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and received its Royal Charter. 

The School originally opened as the London School of Tropical Medicine on 2nd October 1899 as part of the Seamen’s Hospital Society’s Branch Hospital at the Royal…

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An alternative guide to the Barnard classification scheme

In 1936, Cyril Cuthbert Barnard (1894-1959) published the first edition of his Classification for Medical and Veterinary Libraries. Barnard was the School’s first Librarian, in post between 1921-1959. In selecting resources it soon became apparent to Barnard that the classification schemes available at the time were not…

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A Very Persistent Woman

International Women’s day, on 8 March, feels like the perfect opportunity to celebrate the ‘persistent’ spirit of Lady Mary Simpson, one of history’s lesser known figures.

Lady Mary Simpson was the wife of Sir William Simpson, an expert in tropical hygiene who after serving as the Chief Medical…

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