Early London School of Tropical Medicine minutes

The Archives Service is pleased to announce that we have borrowed nine volumes of the London School of Tropical Medicine’s early minute books dating from 1899 when the School was established to 1924 when it became the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and received its Royal Charter…

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A pause for menopause

(Meno)Pause for thought

Embrace this time of life, ladies
Embrace it with fear, trepidation, elation
Embrace it anyway cos it ain’t going away.
Embrace it cos it’s coming your way.

Here are some stuff about it.

LSHTM username and password required:
Nelson, H (2008) “Menopause…

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The Gilded Vectors of Disease: Sculptures at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Decorating the exterior of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) is a frieze in the Art Deco style of gilded bronze figures of ten different animals. The figures are sculpted into the iron balconies on the first floor overlooking the front and sides of the building. All…

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LSHTM Historic Theses to be Digitised

LSHTM Library has reached an agreement with the British Library to produce digital copies of 148 doctoral theses completed between 1973 and 2007 currently held by them on microfilm.

Although all PhD candidates have had to provide a PDF of their thesis since 2014, in addition to the hard copy…

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British Mosquito Control Institute on Hayling Island.

By Mia Annesen-Wood

Although having recently discovered National Insect Week happens rather disappointingly once every two years, I would still like to bring awareness to National Insect Week (at least for next year anyway). I have done some research using the archives here into the British Mosquito Control Institute…

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Work Experience in LSHTM Library and Archives

By Mia Annesen-Wood

Firstly, I would just like to thank the whole LSHTM Library and Archives team for being so welcoming and friendly. It has been a wonderful experience to both observe and play a small role in the work they do here, I am so grateful for the…

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RCUK Open Access Funding – Now Available for OA Journals

As announced last month, we are now in receipt of our new grant to help pay for open access fees for publications emerging from Research Councils UK funded research (with a grant end date of March 2020 or when funds are fully allocated).

As was the case last year, to…

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InfoSkills: Literature Searching – Lunchtime Sessions

1 hour InfoSkills Lunchtime sessions – book now!
From May 14th to May 31st on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays (more sessions to be announced for June and July).

Book a place on any session at http://bit.do/infoskills

The ‘Constructing a Literature Search Strategy Part 1 & Part 2…

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World Haemophilia Day

World Haemophilia Day (WHD2019) is an annual international awareness day held on the 17 April for haemophilia and other bleeding disorders. The day celebrates advances in treatment, and raises awareness of the issues relating to diagnosis and care to the wider public.  There is currently a display in the Library…

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Access to USP-NF and Food Chemicals Codex

Do you need information on the quality, safety and benefit of medicines and foods?  The U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) is a compendium of drug information published by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (also known as the USP).  The USP is published in a combined volume with the National Formulary as…

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