Family History Mystery

Christine Rooke, who lives in Norfolk, was keen to learn more about her father, Leopold Abram. He was born on December 8th 1913 and grew up in Plumstead, South London. Chrisitne was born in 1947, and her father sadly died of cancer at the age of 46.  As 2013 was…

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Leprosy collections in the Archives

To support World Leprosy Day on 26 January, we thought that we would highlight some of the collections that contain material on leprosy.

We hold one file of papers of Stanley George Browne, (1907-1986). These reflect his work and interest in the field of leprology and contain manuscripts and…

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Drop-In Session: Open Access/Copyright/E-Theses – Monday 27th January 2-3pm


We will be in the canteen at Tavistock Place on Monday 27th January 2-3pm to answer any queries you may have on open acces publishing, meeting RCUK, Wellcome funder requirements, covering open access fees, predatory publishers, complying with copyright laws, using images, videos in your work or teaching…

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Ejournal usage: it’s not just about the numbers

The start of January saw a flurry of ejournal usage statistics collation for the SCONUL statistical return.  COUNTER JR1 reports were downloaded, which for LSHTM Library includes from individual publishers, the ingentaconnect platform, and JUSP (Journal Usage Statistics Portal).  JR1 reports measure the number of successful full-text monthly article…

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Starting to think about your Summer Project?

If you’re a London based MSc student, you’ve hopefully already got some ideas about possible Summer Project topics. Whether you’re in the initial planning stages or starting to develop your project proposal and completing your CARE form you will probably find that you need to do a…

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AIDS Social History Programme catalogue is now complete


The AIDS Social History Programme collection has now been catalogued and can be accessed via the LSHTM archive catalogue. This is the second of the six collections to be made available as part of the Wellcome Trust funded ‘Cataloguing and Preservation of the HIV/AIDS Collections at LSHTM’ project…

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A quick look back at 2013



Some rights reserved by garryknight CC BY-SA 2.0

With the beginning of a new year and a new blog we thought it would be good to look over what exactly we did last year in LSHTM Research Online so..


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