All posts tagged LSHTM

LSHTM and The Great War

This Saturday is Armistice Day, a day where we remember those who fought and died in the First World War. Many of the staff and students of the School joined the war effort and to commemorate their efforts, the Library & Archives Service has created an exhibition – on display in…

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The Great War Bake Off 2017

Are your baking skills the best thing since sliced bread? Do you knead a reason to bake? Well doughnut stress the Great War Bake Off wants you!

As part of Explore Your Archive week, which runs nationally November 18th – 26th, the Archives have delved into their Nutrition Collection and selected…

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LSTM, Albert Docks Ree and Manson

118th Anniversary of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Today, marks the 118th anniversary of the opening of the London School of Tropical Medicine at Royal Albert Docks, and the beginning of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine’s journey.

The School owes its existence to Sir Patrick Manson, who had worked for 20 years as a…

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New Additions to the H.S Leeson Collection

A new addition to the H.S Leeson Collection

Back in January, we chose the H.S Leeson papers to be our Collection of the Month, but since then the collection has grown. In March, we were kindly gifted 142 photographs that were taken by or feature H.S. Leeson…

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Collection of the Month for April – George Macdonald

April 25th is Malaria Day, and as a result, the collection of the month here at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine archives is the Macdonald Collection. George Macdonald was born in 1903 in Sheffield, the son of J Smyth Macdonald (Professor of physiology). George Macdonald went on…

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Collection of the Month – James T. Duncan (1884-1958)


It may surprise you to learn that the collection of the month for March consists of only one file, notes made by mycologist James T. Duncan on the ‘Principles of standardisation of agglutinable cultures’.

Who was James T. Duncan?

James T. Duncan was born in Dublin in 1884 and…

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Ross' ear plugs

WHO: World Hearing Day – Sir Ronald Ross’ Earplugs

Today, the World Health Organisation celebrates ‘World Hearing Day’. This year’s theme is “Action for hearing loss: make a sound investment” with the aim to draw attention to the economic impact of hearing loss.

To celebrate this day, here at the London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medicine (LSHTM…

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(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

What we’re paying for Open Access

The Research Publications team in the Library administers the costs of publishing journal articles Open Access from two funds – COAF and RCUK.

The seven partner charities of COAF are members of the Association for Medical Research Charities (AMRC), which supported the establishment of this partnership.

Arthritis Research UK: open access…

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Silvertown after the explosion, 1917

100th Anniversary of the Silvertown Explosion

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Silvetown Explosion, where, on the evening of January 19th 1917, 50 tonnes of trinitrotoluene exploded after efforts to extinguish a fire in one of the factory melt pots failed. The explosion killed 73 people, injured more than 400 and instantly destroyed an estimated…

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Collection of the Month – Major H S Leeson

This month the LSHTM Archives are celebrating travel archives and what better way to celebrate then to select the Leeson archive as Collection of the Month!

Major H S Leeson a Liverpudlian entomologist, taught at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in 1909 until he joined the Royal Army Medical…

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